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Terrance rubbed his head as he walked to the non-binary alien's interrogation room, A-spen if he remembered correctly, or was A-spen the girl, no that was A-li. Maybe the boy? This was all way too much, way too fast. He could barely remember their names let alone the faces said name was attached to and the pronouns they had used in passing for each other. His brain was still trying to comprehend that Aliens actually existed. He walked in just as Bonzo banged on the table and said 'talk' in Zombie.

Terrance jumped at the sound, "Whoa chill Bonzo." Terrance walked into the room, "The cuffs are a no go, they could get out the whole time if they wanted."

"We found out, they pulled theirs off before we got here. Can we not deal with the alien invasion right now?" Zed asked. Terrance didn't know what else his boyfriend could possibly want to talk about in this situation. "I'm kind of in an impossible situation."

A-spen smiled, "I understand. To get here, we developed interstellar flight, defeated space squids," their faces fell. "Traversed a carnivorous black hole, twice," they looked traumatized.

"Uh, okay, not that impossible. Because of you, we can't get into Mountain College," The kitsune threw his hands up in the air, while he did want to go to college with Zed, that was hardly the most important thing right now. "The recruiter quit, and monsters can't apply."

They hummed and reached into their pocket pulling out a pair of clear glasses. Zed and Bonzo had a momentary panic. "Mountain College. Downloading," they tapped the side of their glasses, and they lit up blue beeping, symbols flashing across their eyes.

"What are they doing?"

A moment later they pull off the glasses, "Too bad neither of you are not exceptional." Both Terrance and Zed gave them an offended look, "The only way for you to get in is to prove that you are exceptional. Mountain College has a separate application for an exceptional-student scholarship, and it does not specifically prohibit monsters."

"Zagra!" Bonzo exclaims, he wasn't looking to go to college just yet, but the option would have been nice.

Terrance grinned, he and Zed were near the top of the class, had a ton of athletic records and were the captains of their respective teams, an exceptional scholarship should have been no problem. "Yeah, Zagra! We can totally do that."

Zed high fived his boyfriend, "That sounds exactly like us."

A-Spen tilts their head, "Perhaps exceptional means something else in this galaxy." They look over at Terrance who they remembered making a sword glow, "I believe he is."

Terrance couldn't help but chuckle, "Ah, okay, you know what? Believe me, I'm impressive. Kay?"

They shook their head, "Meh. I do not see it."

"Whatever. We are going to get that scholarship to Mountain College and knock down the door to higher education for all monsters! Yeah."

Both Zed and Bonzo started chanting In Zombie bumping chest, grunting and screaming like a couple of idiots.

"Why are they so agitated?" They asked Terrance.

He raised an eyebrow, "they're not. They're happy you found a loophole. A way monsters can get into college."

"Come on!" Zed exclaimed, putting his hand up. A-spen didn't get the gesture, so Terrance took pity on him and gave him another high five, "Alright."

"Oh. Emotions are messy for telepaths, so we suppress them. But they do seem interesting."

There was a loud knock on the door, and they all saw Dale through the glass window, "You can all come on out."


"We have many advancements to share with your primitive people," They heard A-li's voice from down the hall. She was walking with Wyatt, Willa, and Wynter. "We even created a digestible bacterial fermentation of lactose at sub-zero stasis."

Wyatt thought for a moment, "Froyo? Yeah, we got that too."

"Impressive," A-li admitted as she rejoined her friends.

"If you're here to invade Seabrook, our pack won't go down without a fight," Willa warned.

A-li raised an eyebrow, "We do not want your one-star planet." She turned back to her friends, "They are so emotional." Wynters jaw dropped, they honestly all looked rather offended.

"Yes, but when in Seabrook," A-spen bit their lip. "I'm going to disengage our emotional suppressors. Personally, I'm excited to see what emotions feel like." They waved their hand over, something on their wrists creating a little light ball, a shock wave passed through all of them, "Excited!" A-spen stammered, "That's an emotion. It feels so exciting."

Mayor Mills grimaced, "We've decided to let you stay until after the cheer competition, but not a day later."

"Thank you, Mayor. We are honored to join your cheer competition," A-spen said.

A-li tilted her head, "What is cheer?"

They all gave her an odd look considering they said they were here for cheer, "Oh, don't worry. Me and Terry will show you later. We have practice coming up anyway."

"Don't call me Terry. Only Wyatt calls me that."

"Also, what is competition?" A-lan asked.

"When you challenge others to prove you're the best," Addison offered.

He shook his head, "no, we are a harmonious people. We do not compete amongst ourselves," the wolves narrowed their eyes. He turned to Zed, "Although, that is an intriguing concept, is it not?"

"Hi, I'm Zed. Zombie, football star. Generally well-liked," Terrance rolled his eyes fondly.

"Well, I am A-lan. Extraterrestrial."

"Hey, the haters say I'm a little extra too," He chuckled.

"Because you are," Terrance said.

Zed turned back with a playful glare, "You're lucky your cute cause your sarcastic as heck."

He scrunched up his nose, "You love it."

He rolled his eyes and held a handout for A-lan "Oh, competition."

"No, it's just a handshake-" A-lan grasped his hand and electricity volts through Zed.


The Zombie managed to pull back and lean into his boyfriend, "Did I win?"

"No," Zed snapped, still shaking, "you did not win."

A-spen stepped into defused the situation, "Apologies. Our people have a special stardust spark."

A-li looked them up and down, "That some lesser species may find painful."

Willa growled and bared her fangs making the three jump a bit, "Welcome to Seabrook," they smiled seemingly not understanding the threat. 

Impeded Amenities (Z-o-m-b-i-e-s Book Three)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum