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"Yes! Yes! Yes! We did it! We crushed it!" Terrance yelled overjoyed hugging Addison.

"Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!" Terrance heard Zed scream. He even picked up A-li who kicked her feet and that was the first, last and only time Terrance had ever referred to her as cute.

Willa, Wyatt, Wynter, Eliza and Bucky ran on stage, "The aliens are liars. They've come to take what's ours! We should have never let Addison welcome in those outsiders." Wynter bit her lip as if she was contemplating everything but in the end, she decided her duty was to her pack.

Zed stepped forward blocking A-li, A-lan and A-spen from view.

"Step back, Zed," Willa snapped, the three of them, lighting up their eyes and snarling.

"So much passion," A-Spen said clutching their chest

"Uh...She wants to rip your heart out," Zed warned them.

A-Spen smiled, "She can have it."

Bucky reached for the cup trying to snatch it away from Addison "Give me it, Addison! You won it. It's mine!"

"No!" Addison pushed him back and ran towards the aliens.

"She's stealing the Seabrook Cup!"

Zed took Addison by the shoulder and pushed her and the aliens outside, "Go, go, go, go!" He looked back at Terrance who slid in Willa's way letting his eyes light up and let out the most animalistic growl he had ever heard from his usually conflict free boyfriend.

"Why are you helping those thieves, Terrance?"

"He's a traitor!" Eliza smacked Bucky upside the head, she may not understand what was happening but that was still her brother.

Terrance practically roared at Bucky, "I'm no traitor!"

Willas' eyes gleamed, "Clearly you are." She whipped out her claws and ran at him.


The Z-patrol was outside to stop them, "Freeze! Stay where you are!"

"Beam us up, Mothership! Now!"

A moment later Willa ran outside with blood dripping down her cheek, her hair a frazzled mess and daisies wrapped up in it, "Wolves, attack!"

"Use our moonstones!" Wyatt added, not looking at his sister's disheveled state yet.

"No!" Terrance yelled coming out he had three long gashes traveling across his face starting from under his left eye and one going over the bridge of her nose. Eliza ran out beside him looking at Willa in utter betrayal.

All the wolves roared, their stones letting out electromagnetic pulses. "Something's wrong. Critical systems failure," Their ascent was stopped, leaving them to an angry mob.

"Get 'em!"

"Get those aliens! Get 'em!"

"Get off our planet!"

Zed powered down his Z-band, Zoey did the same. Moe let her own aura take over standing beside her brother who was already glowing with his. Eliza looked at her brother and best friend. She had no clue what he was doing but she knew he had a good reason. She powered down her own z-band and stood beside him.

Willa, Wyatt, and Wynter startled at them. Addison got between her friends and screamed, "Enough!"

Zed looked back and nearly panicked, "Whoa!" he powered his Z-band back on his voice going back up a few octaves and ran towards his baby sister, "You zombied out! You good?"

She powered her Z-band back on and nodded, "Yeah! I don't know what you're up to, big brother, but I got your back."

Terrance, grasped Elizas arm in concern she had only done this once before, "are you okay?" 

Impeded Amenities (Z-o-m-b-i-e-s Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now