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"Did you hear anything yet?" Addison asked as Terrance and her stepped out of his car, and he pulled on his varsity cheer jacket. Normally he wore Zed's jacket but today was a cheer off and he was captain, so he had to wear his own.

Terrance sighed, "nope, If I'm being honest, I don't think we're getting in. That was a train wreck."

"I'm so sorry," Addison winced as they walked into the venue.

"It's not your fault, you didn't know that alien spark would kick in. We wouldn't have even had to do that if they weren't so prejudiced. Zombies aren't bad anymore and everything they know about Kitsunes is all based in legend."

She deflated, "I still feel bad."

Terrance hopped up on stage and Addison followed. "Don't Adds, it's okay. I don't think they would have let us in anyway." He gave her a side hug and kissed the top of her head, "Don't worry about it." As he looked over her head, he unintentionally looked up at the Seabrook cup. "Those symbols," he pulled away and looked up at the trophy. "Isn't that the alien language?"

Addison's eyes widened, "The Seabrook Cup. Of course! That must be where my grandma hid the map to utopia! What's more important in this town than cheer! The aliens have to win it, or we do," she insisted.

"Good luck getting it away from Bucky."

"We can do it. We can do anything." Even after all these years Terrance still didn't know how Addison had so much real pep, he faked a lot of his.


"It's been an exciting evening here at the National Cheer Off. We discovered alien life this week, but the big question in the universe... is who will win the Seabrook Cheer Cup?" Terrance snarled as he watched the routine. He hated the east side eel. They were rude and their mascot Erral unnerved him almost as much as Shrimpy. "The Eastside Eels are really bringing it!"

"I'm going to crush them," Terrance growled.

"Why do you hate them so much?" Bree asked.

"A few years ago the blonde flier was at cheer camp with us and destroyed all the books TJ brought to read at night," Jenifer revealed.

Terrance's angry glare was set in place, "I don't care if we win, we just need to beat them. I need some ammo," he said. "She's been holding it over my head for years, I'll teach you to call me a talentless twirp."

Bree tilted her head, "You're the most popular boy at Seabrook aside from Zed."

Stacey winced, "he wasn't always."

"The Eels look eel-ectric as they try to slither their way to victory. And that excites me."

"Me too."

"Me three."

Terrance's phone rang so one of the cheerleaders grabbed it off his bag and brought it to him, "Hello, this is Terrance Hayashi."

"Hello this is mountain college; um is there any way you can get somewhere quieter?"

Terraces eyes widened, "Uh yeah," he covered the receiver, "I have got to take this come get me when we're about to go on."

Addison nodded and he walked out of the auditorium. "Yeah, this is Terrance Hayashi."

"Yes Mr. Hayashi, we have looked over your application and your interviewer was rather impressed. You've been Accepted to Mountain College."

Terrance let out a silent cheer, "Really?"

"Yes, and I think you'll be happy. I know we are Inviting other quote unquote Monsters to apply."

Impeded Amenities (Z-o-m-b-i-e-s Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now