Midnight Snack

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<Kokichi POV> (Current Deaths: Zero)

I sat on my bed bored and stared at the ceiling of my dull, dimly lit dorm room. It was probably around 1 a.m. or so, but my hunger was killing me. Literally, as in, if I don't get blood within three days I'll most likely die. Whiiiich then brings up a really big problem: the killing game. If I were to kill someone, I would be found out and executed, but if I let my victim live they would most likely go and tell everyone that I'm a vampire. Who knows what they would do if they found out? But what am I supposed to go do? Make negotiations? Would anyone actually keep my secret or let me drink their blood? Maybe Kirumi would if I requested, but even I can't tell how someone would react to my secret as a non-human. And that's me just being optimistic. Who would actually believe me anyways? Besides the very gullible Gonta, I mean, they would just brush it off as another lie or prank.

It was just then I remembered that there must be blood packs in the nurse's office. (Ik the game doesn't have one, but please, for the sake of PLOT let me do this) Curse this terrible memory of mine! However, I still smiled subtly at the thought of getting some blood without getting caught or causing any problems. I think I also licked my lips at the thought. I sat up on my bed and then fully stood up, making my way to the door which wasn't very far from my bed, but I tip-toed anyways because what if someone were awake anyways?

I quietly opened my door and peeked out. Good, no one's out. I swiftly exited my room and gently closed the door behind me, careful not to make a single sound. I am pretty stealthy after all, though it may just be fully natural because I'm a vampire, a creature of the night or whatever. I silently walk out of the dormitory and head straight to the main building, which for some reason was very large. Or maybe I'm just short? Or both? Either way, it was really big for me.

I thought I was lost for a few moments before my keen nose picked up the familiar scent of blood. I trotted happily to the nurse's office, humming, not caring to make a noise now because everyone else was in their respective dorms. I finally arrived and burst open the door, my hunger only growing by the minute. I walk over to the small fridge in the back where the irony blood smell was coming from. I open the door and to my delight it was packed full of all the blood types. Or flavors, I suppose.

My favorite blood type to drink was AB, so I obviously grabbed one of those first. I easily ripped it open and began to drink from it like it was any other drink. I was so captivated in my drink that I didn't even notice the subtle gaze observing me as I grabbed another and another AB type blood pack... There was no other light on in the nurse's office, so the only light illuminating the room was from the opened fridge in front of me, which would give anyone a clear view of  me at the moment.

~~~~~~~~~<Shuichi POV>~~~~~~~~~

"OW-" I'm suddenly woken up by the slightly loud thud of me falling off my bed. I was so tired that I didn't even get up, instead I just waited for the pain to subside. I waited and waited and okay I'm not staying here anymore. I stood up, my left arm still in pain from my fall. Except it wouldn't stop hurting. Alright, the pain was weakening by now, but it certainly wasn't leaving anytime soon. Luckily, it wasn't bleeding so it must not be anything too serious. Actually, it might be a bruise of some sorts? Maybe the nurse's office would have something to help my arm. I calmly exited the dormitory and judging by the light, it must be around 1:10 a.m. I assumed.

I paced around the main building when I spotted an open door in the distance, with a faint glow being emitted from within. I walked a little closer before realizing that was the nurse's office. Who would be in there at this hour? Is it someone in the act of murder?! Okay, calm down. If it is that then I'll need to stay quiet. I silently moved closer and closer to the opened door... I peered inside and to my horror I see a figure drinking out of blood packs. I almost gasp out loud but quickly cover my mouth with my hands as not to alert them.

Hey, wait a second, is that.. Kokichi? I realized who the figure is now, but that only brings up even more questions. What was he doing awake? Why was he drinking blood of all things? Is it possible that he- no, that's stupid. Vampires don't even exist. What a wild imagination I have. Funny. Despite knowing that vampires aren't real whatsoever, I couldn't shake the feeling that something is very wrong here. On a late second thought, my left arm is fine. I should probably go. Like, now.

I cautiously backed away from the nurse's office and left Kokichi to whatever the hell he was doing in there. I still felt some dreadful unease at what I had just witnessed. Why the hell was he drinking BLOOD? Maybe I could ask him about it tomorrow or something. I could have been hallucinating, yeah, that's it. I just need some sleep. There's no way that Kokichi would actually have been drinking blood... Right?

I walked back to the dormitory and then to my respective dorm, it must've been at least 1:30 a.m. by now as I closed and locked my door behind me when I entered my room. I walked over to my bed and promptly collapsed onto it and quickly drifted off into sleep.


Vampire Kokichi au (Saiouma)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя