Deal? Deal.

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{Ft: A sad, metal chair}

<Kokichi POV> (Current Deaths:2)

After closing the door on Miu, I once again trotted my way to my dorm. I felt a bit tired after interacting with Shuichi, Gonta and Miu so I decided to take a nap. Best get some sleep, since the others would definitely notice if I were to get tired or have bags under my eyes during our regular meetings. I walked into my dorm, closing the door and locking it behind me as usual. After laying down on my bed, I closed my eyes and slowly drifted into unconsciousness, letting my mind drag me away... After a while of what felt like a mere 3-5 minutes, but was actually a few hours, I awoke and sat up on my bed, rubbing my eyes and stretching a little bit. That was a pretty refreshing nap, if I do say so myself. What was I going to get up and do again? Oh yeah, that totally 'not suspicious' meeting with Maki in the game room.

I eyed the clock on the wall as I stood up. It was 12:43 (a.m.), which should spare a few minutes. However, I didn't want to waste any time getting there. It would be better to get there first, just in case she attempts to ambush me or something. After one final stretch, ridding my body of the previous tiredness, I walked over to my door and promptly left the room. I took a moment to listen for any sounds, but it seems like everyone is already asleep or simply not making any noise. Still cautious, I silently tip-toed my way out of the dormitory and picked up the pace as I skipped toward the main building. I walked down the halls and down the stairs leading to the basement, which housed the game room, library, and A/V room.

I wasted no time, making my way into the game room. I sat on one of the sad, metal fold-up chairs. It was incredibly uncomfortable, but I pushed that feeling aside while the anticipation of how this meeting would go grew rapidly. I watched the clock on the wall, now reading 12:56. I waited for another few minutes while I almost began to daydream, but the sound of the doors opening had caught my attention very quickly. In walked Maki, alone. She had most likely not told anyone about our happy little meeting either. However Maki did not show any surprise or really, any reaction at all from noticing my presence in the room. She had an intimidating aura surrounding her as we both played poker faces to not show any possible weakness to the other.

"Kokichi." Maki said, in her usual cold tone. "Mhm, yeah, that's me. So why'd ya call me down here at 1 a.m? I need my beauty sleep, y'know!" I responded with my normal attitude. Maki simply scoffed as I crossed my legs and leaned back in the sad, metal fold-up chair I was seated on. She spoke up again, once more not showing any true emotion of surprise, happiness, sadness, anger, disgust or fear. "I know what you are. You can't trick me, you sick beast." Not willing to just go along with her, I decided to play dumb in my response. "Huh? What do you mean by that? I'm purely innocent. I couldn't harm a fly even if it was a serial killer~!" Maki ever so kindly provided another free death glare that sent shivers down my spine.

Once more, Maki spoke in her cold, harsh voice as her blood red eyes pierced my own. "Don't act stupid with me. I know that you're a vampire. As a vampire hunter, it's supposed to be my job to kill you. But..." Her voice trailed off. "But?~" I encouraged with a sly smirk, already realizing that she can't kill me because of the killing game. Maki sighed, then continued. "I can't get rid of you due to the current situation. So, the purpose of this meeting is to make a deal of sorts." I grew curious, wondering what she would offer as I corrected my posture in the sad, metal fold-up chair. I questioned her, as one does. "A deal? What kind of deal? What could you possibly have to offer?" She glared at me again. It felt as if the room had become suddenly colder.

"If you do not end or harm any of us humans... I shall neither kill nor report you once we escape this killing game." Maki suggested, still with the same expression she had when she entered the room. Even though she said she wouldn't hurt me, I could still sense the hostile aura circling around her. "Hm, okie-dokie!" I said childishly. This was quite the great deal to me, as I hadn't truly planned on hurting any of my human peers. Though the offer confirmed my safety once we escaped, it couldn't yet be guaranteed that we would actually escape from this cruel killing game of despair. "With that being settled, we both shall best take our leave." Maki said tiredly as she turned to leave, and I followed suit.

Even though I was basically following Maki back to the dorms, I still somehow lost her and she disappeared into who-knows-where as she always did. Ignoring the tension of the encounter, I allowed my brain time to review the information it's gathered. So Maki is a vampire hunter, is she? Even if we've just made a deal not to harm one another, I should still keep my guard up around her just in case. I quietly entered the dormitory and made my way back to my respective room. I promptly collapsed onto the soft bed once more. I was extremely tired and most likely wouldn't get much more sleep, but better some than none, right? I covered myself with the blanket and fell asleep again, once more without a dream in my restless slumber. What an adventure today has been.

(A/N: Wrote this on my birthday lol.)

(Anyways, do we want to see a return of sad, metal chair in future parts? :D)

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