Blood Meal

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<Shuichi POV> (Current Deaths: Zero)

"A... Vampire?", I said confused but also curious. I wasn't at all sure how to react when Kokichi claimed to be a vampire. The existence of vampires goes against everything I know, and yet here was one in front of me. A blood-drinking, murderous creature of the night, right in front of me. Of course, as much as I wanted to believe Kokichi, a claim as unusual as being a vampire would need solid proof. Evidence that he was in fact, telling the truth and not lying like during any of his daily pranks played on his peers. He seemed to notice my confused reaction and spoke up again, "I told you that you wouldn't believe me! But I'm telling the truth! I swear!" Kokichi pleaded for me to believe his words. As strange as it sounded, some part of me felt the need to believe him without evidence.

I was quick to reply, not wanting Kokichi to think any less of me if I was to ignore what he was saying. "Calm down, I do believe you... Somewhat. But, I can't fully believe you without proof. So uh, is there anyway you could prove to me that you're a vampire?", He stopped pleading and began to brainstorm ways to prove himself to me. I've never had any less of an idea of what goes on inside his head. "Could I drink some of your blood?~" Kokichi suddenly suggested with hopeful eyes, actually it may have been puppy-dog eyes. I responded as soon as I could think of something as I processed what he had just said, "Absolutely not. Out of the question. No blood drinking. You aren't getting my blood.", Only for Kokichi to reply a tad disappointed with, "It was worth a shot. But seriously, I'm not risking you getting scared or going insane or whatever if I turn into a bat for you, so I can't think of any other way to prove this to you."

He followed up with, "It's not painful I promise! Vampire bites are only painful if we want them to be!" To which I sarcastically said, "Now that just sounds like a desperate excuse to drink my blood, which again, is not going to happen, Kokichi.", but the small vampire boy was stubborn. "Pleeeeeeaaasseeee?~", he whined in an annoying tone. I hesitated on providing a final answer. It couldn't be that bad, right? He said it was painful after all. What if he was lying about that? I'm so conflicted right now. Do I play along with this supposed vampire? Do I decline his offer? Surely it's not that bad to let happen, even if it sounds a little, no, very weird. I sigh, deciding to give into the persistent boys will. "Fine, you can drink some of my blood. But not too much, and don't turn me into a vampire or whatever."

I watched as Kokichi's eyes lit up like a wildfire. He instantly grew a childish grin and hugged me suddenly, speaking happily. "Thank you so so so so so so so soooo much! Oh, and you don't need to worry about being turned into a vamp. I can't even do that yet." Before I could respond, Kokichi had already bitten me. My neck flinched from his sudden attack before I spoke up, "Ah- Hey! You could have at least given me a warning first!" Kokichi mumbled something to me while staying in place to drain my blood. I couldn't tell what he said but what I could tell was that it was an incredibly sarcastic response. I could feel myself getting more and more light-headed as my blood was being drained from my body. I just stood there and let it happen. I was a bit awkward, while Kokichi seemed to be enjoying my blood a little too much.

After a few minutes, and now almost feeling like I'm going to pass out from the blood loss, Kokichi pulled himself away from my neck and licked a bit of extra blood from his lips in a grin to which I felt a bit concerned by, even if I had basically asked for it. He was smiling at me and it was actually very cute, despite the fact that within 60 seconds he was just drawing blood from me. "Do you believe me now? That I really am a vampire?", Kokichi said, happily. I replied, still feeling quite drowsy from the blood loss my body wasn't prepared for. "Y-yeah, I do. Wow. I had thought that vampires didn't even exist, yet I just fed one.", "Neeheehee~, guess you weren't expecting me to tell the truth for once, were ya?", he teased. Kokichi was right, though. I certainly hadn't been expecting my blood to be drained by a vampire today. And it didn't feel too bad.

<Kokichi POV>

Shuichi actually allowed me to feed off his blood. Is this a dream? No, this is reality. I couldn't believe that he actually let me. Shuichi responded to my tease, with a tease of his own, "It certainly seemed like you enjoyed it, though." I decided to explain why I was so happy to drain his blood, to divert his tease with logic that was only part of why I was so damn happy, "Well, yeah, because AB is my favorite blood type, which you happen to have." I didn't want Shuichi to catch on to the fact I had a crush on him. I chose to fire another tease at Shuichi, if he was going to tease back, "Well, maybe I'm happy because you taste so good~". Shuichi blushed quite a bit at that tease. Bingo, I found a weak spot.

He took a few solid minutes before he could speak up again, "D-do you really think I taste good? I'm not really sure what that means in vampire terms..." I decided to reassure him from whatever panic his mind might have been thrown into. Only a very vague reassurance, though. "Don't worry about it, it's a good thing." I told him with a smirk. "Anyways, we should probably go about our own days. Oh, and if you tell anyone I'm a vampire I'll kill you. Buh-bye!" I got up and trotted to Shuichi's door before leaving the room. Obviously the death threat was another lie of mine, but I needed to remind him not to tell anyone. I got real lucky that he didn't freak out or anything due to the fact I'm a vampire.

I left his dorm and went into my own, feeling ready to call it a day. And wow, what a day it was. But now my secret is out, and all I can do is pray that Shuichi doesn't tell anyone or else I might be done for. I walked into my room, closing and locking my door behind me, fully content with my day as I walked over to my bed and went straight to lying down. This is gonna be a loooong killing game, isn't it? I closed my eyes and went to sleep off my earlier blood meal. I fell asleep thinking of Shuichi and Shuichi would be the first thing on my mind once I woke up.

Vampire Kokichi au (Saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now