The 2nd Motive (Part 1)

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<Shuichi POV> (Current Deaths:2)

Monokuma effortlessly disappeared, off to who knows where, once again, leaving all of us clueless with his not very helpful words. The killing game... That's what it always comes back to... Pointlessly protesting, Tenko spoke up. "Wh-What!? Killing game!? I will never do that ever again!" With words of agreement started Kaito as he casually voiced next, not as affected as Tenko seemed to be. "We just gotta work together. If we cooperate, we'll make it out of here alive." Kaito grinned widely as he continued, practically radiating positivity. "Just like a certain someone said..." ...Kaede. Keebo spoke his opinion after Kaito had finished.

"But I believe cooperating with each other is the most logical course of action-" Before the robotic humanoid could finish his sentence, he was cut off by Kokichi, producing an audible fake snoring sound. "I'm snooooring!" Offended by this, Keebo then pointed out the disrespectful action. "...Why are you sleeping!?" Pretending to have just been startled awake, Kokichi replied in an obviously fake panicked tone. "Woah! Huh, what!?" "Hey, Kokichi...we're having a serious conversation here." Tsumugi scolded him calmly. Kokichi, however, was not at all fazed before he then gave a technically the truth comeback.

"And is it written somewhere that I have to take serious conversations seriously?" Kaito commented, clearly annoyed at the oblivious and bratty kind of behavior from his shorter peer. "Tch, quit acting so immature!" "Hm? I'm a duh, I'm immature. Aren't you guys forgetting to act your age?" Kokichi responded casually, followed by a mildly concerned comment from Keebo. "But I don't have a biological age..." Kokichi then dismissively replied to the robot's words with a falsely reassuring smile. "Don't worry about it, Keebo. I'm just talking to the humans right now!" Keebo seemed annoyed, but didn't protest further as Kokichi spoke again.

"What were we talking about again? Something about working together to escape, right?" Noticing and pointing out a contradiction in the small male's words Tenko commented. "So you were listening, you horrible degenerate." Ignoring her entirely, Kokichi kept speaking. "We don't have to work together, though. Let's just ask how we can get out." Maki replied calmly, objecting the offered option from Kokichi. "If we ask Monokuma, he'll say the only way is to win the killing game." Kokichi then turned to a slightly more evil tone as he made his desired point. "Oh, we're not gonna ask Monokuma. We're gonna ask the mastermind among us."

"...What?" I said, confused by the newly presented offer. Miu, who was in a mixture of confusion and anger from Kokichi's words, spoke up next. "A-Are you already goin' senile!? I thought we agreed that there was no mastermind?" Unfazed, Kokichi went on. "Hm, oh yeah. We did, didn't we? If we tried to sniff out a mastermind again, we'd just repeat Kaede's screwup." Getting increasingly more angry with every word Kokichi spoke, Kaito protested. "You'd better quit messing around!" Recognizing that he had just been accused, Kokichi immediately went to act as a victim. "Eh? You think I'm messing around right now?" Quickly losing the victim act, Kokichi picked up a bored tone of voice now making him seem uninterested.

"Aw man, you really don't get it. I'm trying to get this through to everyone... If you keep saying all this uplifting stuff about working together and cooperating..." Kokichi adapted a wicked grin as he observed the others including me. "...then you can expect to receive some painful retaliation. Get it?" Unsure about the exact meaning of his ominous words, I replied. "What are you suggesting, Kokichi?" Kaito was quick to anger toward him as usual, seeming to plan to resort to violence quickly, if he doesn't understand or if he dislikes what Kokichi is saying or doing. "Argh, that's enough! I'm gonna slug him!" Kokichi adapted a look of fearfulness as Kaito looked as if he was preparing an attack.

"Aaahh! He's gonna punch me! I gotta make a break for it!" Kokichi exclaimed before running hastily out of the gymnasium. "Tch...damn, he's fast." Spoke Kaito, not even attempting to follow the speedy gremlin out of the room, having already given up the chase before it even began. "Geez...what a strange guy. He just provokes people and never says anything from the heart. He's always messing around and making fun of those around him." Expressed Ryoma, calmly. Tenko was next to voice her opinion of the current topic of Kokichi and his long list of cons. "Hmph! How can he say such insensitive things when we're trying so hard to survive!" Ryoma replied, his response giving a vague hint of the possibility of him being suicidal.

"It's like he doesn't even want to survive. Though, I guess I'm no different." "What?" I questioned, confused. His grim reply was not incredible to hear. "Yeah. I don't plan to survive till the end." Without another word, Ryoma walked out of the gym, leaving me in shock. Everyone voiced and discussed briefly the situation, before Kirumi offered to make us all a meal to help reduce our obvious stress and worry. Finishing the meal, we all returned to our rooms. The rest of the day flew by, and before I knew it, the nighttime announcement was already being made to inform all students on campus that it was time to sleep.

I was awoken by the squeaky voices of the Monokubs being broadcasted over the PA system. They said their regular 'Rise and shine, Ursine', but they also made note that they had dropped off 'presents' to all the dorm rooms. Not caring to explain any further, the announcement shut off as the monitor went black again. I looked around, curious as to what 'present' could refer to, and noticed what seemed to be a more colorful version of the Monopad sitting on the table, which was next to a sad-looking metal fold-up chair. Wait a minute. I never brought that chair into my room... Probably best not to question it. I took a moment to instead investigate the tablet. On the back, it noticeably the words 'Kubs Pad' printed on to where it couldn't be missed.

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