No Mourn Hat

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<Shuichi POV> (Current Deaths: 2) hehe wordplay on title

I couldn't believe it. Kaede was the murderer of Rantaro. I had a hunch it was so from the very beginning, but I had hoped I was wrong. And boy was I wrong about being wrong. I had made sure to not say anything to accidentally hint out Kokichi's secret, and he seemed grateful for that though we couldn't talk about it in front of everyone where a single person listening in could probably ruin everything for him. I caught on to his eyes as I noticed how absorbed they seemed onto the blood of the late Kaede which was splattered in front of us due to her more than cruel execution. It had terrified me, and probably everyone else except Kokichi. He was most likely very used to seeing so much blood. On that thought, I was a little bit scared of if he had killed someone before for blood.

I shouldn't let my mind try to explore those kinds of personal questions. Even if he has, which I pray to god he hasn't, it's none of my business since as a vampire he needs it to survive. Though I will admit the thought of him covered in blood, standing near a dead body did appear in my mind a few times before I vanished the possibility. It wasn't long before we were all dismissed out of the trial room due to the event being over. I was actually quite curious to talk to Kokichi a bit more, but it was late. I should head back to my dorm, rest, then speak to him tomorrow. In private, of course, since we wouldn't want anyone to overhear us talking about such a wild thing like being a vampire. I had been mindlessly wandering for not too long before I had already arrived at my respective dorm.

<Kokichi POV>

I was absolutely stunned when Kaede was revealed to be the culprit. Though she did have the justification of only wanting to kill the mastermind, the killing game made no exceptions. I saw her be hanged in such a violent manner over a large piano, as if it was to disrespect her entire profession as the Ultimate Pianist. Kaede was so, so kind and sweet. But now she's just gone. Just like that, and I'll never hear another of her motivational speeches or her innocent smile of joy ever again. I found myself staring at the blood which was in front of everyone. Most of the others were observing the blood in horror, however I was watching it dry in blood thirst. Naturally, the trial took about sometime between one and two hours, so it was already night time by when we were free to exit the trial grounds.

Of course, when in front of the others and not just Shuichi, I acted as I would always normally seem for them since they had not the slightest clue that I basically drank blood for a living. Being the amazing actor that I am, I easily made it seem as if nothing had happened at all. That seemed to surprise Shuichi, who appeared to have a more difficult time pulling it together as everyone was grouped up. In the end, he still managed to deceive our peers whilst not drawing suspicion upon either me or him. I'm actually quite proud of him, in a sense, for doing what he was supposed to without screwing it up one way or another. What an interesting human... I had thought it simply wasn't possible for a vampire to feel such a way about a mere human.

I had walked in my dorm, closed the door and locked it, then fell face-first dramatically on my bed while thinking of how miserable my life decisions have been as I grabbed the blanket to curl around myself while I realized I was too tired to move much. Every now and then, I sometimes wonder what life would be like as a human. Just as a normal human. Not a vampire, and heck, not even be involved with the supernatural and such in the first place. To not have to worry about hunting for blood, and maybe, just maybe, have a normal sleep schedule for once in my immortal life. I fell asleep. I was slightly bloodthirsty, but not too intense right now so maybe I could raid the nurse's office fridge for some more blood. Or, maybe I could ask Shuichi for some of his blood again.

Time skip brought to you by today's sponsor Raid Sha- /j

I woke up, as any living and breathing creature does. Got ready for the day and morning meeting as I had in the previous days. I wasn't the last one to arrive this time, however. This time, Kaito and Shuichi were the last to enter the dining hall to count everyone alive gathered. This time, however, Shuichi wasn't wearing his emo hat. And somehow, that was a very big difference. Everyone was currently discussing some writing that Gonta had found while outside looking for bugs. Angie brushed off the groups concern by claiming the writing to be mere vandalism. Kaito asked if they were still talking about the writing, which led me to the conclusion he was here before but went off to retrieve Shuichi. Once Kaito had mentioned he brought Shuichi with him, all eyes went right to Shuichi. Rightfully so, I would say. He deserves attention.

Shuichi spoke up in a very tired voice. He must have overslept. "Good morning..." Some of the others gasped at the sight and everyone seemed too shocked and unable to form full sentences, so I did the honors for them proudly. "You finally got rid of that emo hat! Is this cuz Kaede died or whatever?" Tenko was quick to discipline my response but I paid her words little mind. Quite a lot more bickering went on between us and before I knew it, it was already free time again. Unlike most days, where my schedule is full of pranks and devising evil plans, I didn't actually have much to do today, so I walked casually back to my room absentmindedly. It certainly was a bit of a shocker to see that Shuichi had chosen to not wear his hat anymore, but I felt this was a better change for him, seeing him reveal a bit more of himself made it feel like he trusted us. Not just me, but all of our classmates. Or as Monokuma would put it, 'rivals'.

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