The 2nd Motive (Part 2)

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<Shuichi POV> (Current Deaths:2)

"Kubs Pad?" I repeated the words on the back, before sliding my finger over to the power button and pressing it, causing the device to activate. When it did, a video started playing. Noticeably, the words that showed up were 'Kaito Momota's Motive Video', followed by the subtext under it 'What Is Your Motive?'. The audio, however, was not pleasing as a recording of Monokuma's annoying voice began to play. "Alright! Back by popular demand, it's time for the motive video! Who's the most important person in your life? And now, without further ado..." The visual then began to change. "Kaito...?" I said out loud, as a picture of Kaito in a space suit without a helmet, and an elderly couple who I instantly assumed to be his grandparents, posed for the camera, all smiling.

"Kaito Momota, the Ultimate Astronaut..." Ringed out the prerecorded robot bear's voice. "Thanks to his exceptional talent, this young man is already an astronaut trainee! Wow! Our team has managed to score an exclusive interview with his grandparents. They miss their grandson terribly, and hope he returns to them safe and sound. But don't just take my word for it! Let's hear it straight form the source!" The visual then swapped to a recording of the grandparents, sitting on a couch next to one another. The elder man spoke first. "Kaito... As long as your alive, I don't need anything else..." "No matter what happens, you must live. You must never give up. on. For our sakes, too." Voiced the raspy couple.

Monokuma's barely tolerable voice interrupted the moment. "Their only for Kaito to live. Will Kaito be able to fulfill his grandparents' wish? Ah, yes... One more thing... Shortly after this interview wrapped, these old farts suffered an unfortunate accident." A picture of Monokuma, seeming to find the situation humorous appeared over the stopped image. "What kind of accident? It's a secret! Find out for yourself. Puhuhuhuhuhu..." The screen of the device quickly faded to back to black, as it seems the video was the only thing it was programmed to be capable of doing.

<Kokichi POV>

Intrigued by the notice portrayed in the usually boring morning announcement, I hopped out of bed to find what looked like a way more colorful version of the Monopad. I instantly decided to turn it on, and to my mild surprise, a video began to play. The first moments of it were boring, as to be expected. But what made it way worse, it showed a picture of my vampire organization, Dice, in prison. And not just any prison, what I knew from experience was a vampire prison, where, if not killed immediately, captured vampires were taken to be held as prisoners. To any human, it might look like a completely ordinary prison, but to vampires, it was very different.

Popularly, Dice is known as just a small group of mischievous misfits who go around causing trouble and petty crimes, but that's only what the public knows. Dice is actually a group consisting of multiple vampires, including myself, obviously. But, the fact that Monokuma has pictures and videos of it, he might know more than he lets on about me... I better watch out, who knows what he, or the one behind all this crap, could be planning. Luckily, the video didn't say anything directly about vampires, so it would be difficult for any normie to come to that conclusion, but there was a certain ring in Monokuma's voice that just screamed, 'I know way more about you than you think I do!'

<Shuichi POV>

"What...was that? A motive video... Could this be another one of Monokuma's motives? Even if it were... why do I have Kaito's motive? Ah, I'll think about that stuff later! I should hurry and tell Kaito!" And so, I rushed quickly out of my dorm room determined to find and inform Kaito about what I had just seen. My hand subtly shaking, I reached over to and pressed the doorbell of his room......... Only silence passes as I stood outside the door. "No answer. Did he already leave?" If he isn't in his room, then the only logical place to find him would be the dining hall. I wasted no time running out of the dormitory and into the main building where I would hopefully locate Kaito.

Outside, I noticed Keebo, and quickly ran up to him in order to ask him where Kaito was at the moment. "Keebo! Have you seen Kai-" Before I could finish speaking, Keebo cut me off with his own sense of urgency. "Impeccable timing, Shuichi! I was on my way to get you!" "You were?" I questioned. He continued, "Everyone is gathering in the dining hall. Please come right away. I'll go get everyone else." Everyone else? Was this about the strange motive videos? Before I had time to say another thing, Keebo had already quickly darted off, presumably in the search of more of his human peers. I should go to the dining hall, Kaito must be there!

I hastily ran toward the dining hall and entered in a flash, but no sign of Kaito was to be found there either. "Hey, has anyone seen Kaito!?" I questioned the people who stood within the dining hall around me. Korekiyo did his creepy chuckle before responding, though not actually answering my question. "You seem in a panic. Over the Kubs Pad if I'm not mistaken." "...What?" "You're not the only one who got one, Shuichi. We all did." Exclaimed Angie happily, with a bit too much enthusiasm for my taste as always. Korekiyo continued the explanation. "We have all been given 'motive videos'. However, they have been mixed up." "Mixed up?" I echoed.

Tsumugi spoke up, just as confused on the strange matter as the rest of us were. "When I woke up, there was a Kubs Pad in my room, but the video on it wasn't even mine-" The plain cosplayer got cut of my Kirumi making a point. "Tsumugi, we should discuss this once everyone is here." "Oh, sorry... You're right." I was next to speak, of course. "What do you mean, once everyone is here?" Kiyo explained calmly what it meant. "Kaito and Keebo went to gather everyone else so that we may discuss our plans." Kirumi then offered next, "Shall we wait for everyone then? Until then, I can provide you all with massages-" Not having time to finish speaking her generous offer, the rest of our classmates burst into the room, making it more crowded than it was just a few moments ago.

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