Over-viewed Interview

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<Shuichi POV> (Current Deaths: 2)

Since I hadn't worn my hat today, I got a lot of attention from my peers during the morning meeting. Most of them were surprised but shrugged it off after a minute or two. I noticed that Kokichi was staring at me for a little bit longer than the others did, but I didn't want to ask him about that just in case it was something related to being a vampire and the fact he drank some of my blood or something. I wasn't the most amazing person at keeping secrets, so I tried to be extra careful at dodging topics that could lead to any suspicion falling on Kokichi about being a vampire. A little while passed with everyone chatting with one another, and soon free time fell upon us once again so I decided to speak to Kokichi and ask him a few more questions about being a vampire and such.

I grabbed a notepad and pencil from my room and went off in search of the little vampire boy. I knocked on his dorm door, but no response. I figured he must be somewhere in the main building so I left the vacant dormitory and went off to explore where Kokichi could have scurried off to this time. I entered the main building and to my surprise I couldn't find almost anyone at all. They were most likely too busy doing something else currently, and I was looking for Kokichi first. They can come later. Finally, after what felt like hours of searching I stumbled upon the infamous supreme leader wandering the halls of the first floor with his hands behind his head without a care in the world. Not that I would expect someone like him to have a care in the world, after all. He can be surprisingly sadistic and evil when he wants to be, and he never acts like he cares for any of us.

I seemed to notice him at the same time he noticed me, as we both approached each other. He had on his usual overly-cheery smile as he came up to me and spoke up first. "Whatcha doin, ShuShu?", he said casually. I chose to simply tell him exactly what I was doing, since lying wouldn't work on him anyways. "I was looking to ah- interview you, if you didn't mind, of course." "An interview from none other than the Ultimate Detective himself? Count me in!" He said, joyous as ever. I could never in a million years comprehend how he stays so upbeat all the time. Then again, he could be using a poker face. Since he had already agreed to it, next up was to go somewhere where we could talk alone. I spoke up. "Great, now uh- let's go to the library to talk." He replied once again in his childish tone, "Okie-Dokie!"

I led Kokichi down the stairs and into the library as he just trotted behind me like a cute little puppy. I pulled out some chairs for us so we could both sit. Kokichi was first to take a seat and I followed suit. Pulling out my notepad and pencil which were both inventoried in my pockets, I chose to begin the interview. "Now then, how often do you need to drink off blood?" Kokichi seemed more than happy to share his response as he spoke up. "Between 2-15 days, it changes each time." I wrote down his every word into my notepad as I asked the next question. "Does the sun actually hurt you? And what about garlic?" I continued to ask more and more questions, not giving my hand a break as I kept writing everything down. Apparently the entire thing about vampires being burned by the sun and being allergic to garlic was a mere ploy to make humans think they were safer.

I was simply amazed at how much Kokichi actually told me about vampires. He didn't even brush off any of my questions, but he instead answered all of them directly right after I had asked. I kept scribbling down his responses, getting a hand cramp as I decided to end the interview in sake of my suffering hand. Kokichi and I both stood up, left the library and went our separate ways for the remainder of the day. I smiled at all the knowledge I had written down in my notepad now because of Kokichi. I walked steadily back to my respective dorm after putting my notepad and pencil into my pocket as I planned to put them back into my side drawer once I had returned to my room. I once again, didn't see another soul on my way back from the main building. It was a tad eerie, in a way. For some reason, I felt a little bit uneasy, as if something bad was inevitably getting closer and closer.

<Bonus: Maki POV>

I was doing a simple patrol around the main building, when I overheard two voices speaking in the corridor. The voices I easily recognized as Shuichi Saihara, the Ultimate Detective and Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader. That was certainly a very suspicious duo to say the least, and alone? I kept myself hidden in the shadows while I ease-dropped on the two boys. They had chosen to move to a more private area, the library, so I stealthily followed behind them without making a single sound to alert either of them of my presence. Once they reached the library and entered, Shuichi pulled out chairs for both of them. Luckily for me, he pulled the chairs not too far from the front door of the library so I didn't have to peek my head in to overhear as they were close enough to be audible.

Shuichi then began to ask questions, many questions, in fact. The questions he asked Kokichi were very odd. Shuichi spoke to him as if he were a vampire, asking related questions and such. Being a former vampire hunter as well as an assassin, I knew that Kokichi must actually be a vampire. It all lines up now... The clues, the hints, why hadn't I realized it before? It seems so obvious now, Kokichi was a vampire. As a vampire hunter, it's my duty to eradicate the world of this vermin. However, the killing game is an impossible obstacle to overcome. If I killed him, either I too would be killed or all of my peers would be killed. With absolutely no in between, I should attempt to find another way to get rid of Kokichi.

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