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❝𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞❞

❝𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞❞

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Juliet stared with humour as Grover babbled about and nervously led a confused Percy to the Big House.

The unclaimed demigod had finally woken up, and Juliet was sure he was confused as hell. The confusion thing was always the fun part, the kids were always so clueless it was kind of a sick fun watching them realise their reality.

"Mr. Brunner!" Percy cried as soon as he saw Chiron, Juliet didn't speak anything but she was pretty sure Chiron could make out her emotions by the way she bit her lip to control her laughter.

Mr. Brunner, really?

"Ah, good, Percy," he said. "Now we have four for pinochle." Always the comedian. Juliet rolled her eyes with a smile at him trying to diffuse the tension.

 He offered Percy a chair to the right of Mr. D, who looked at him with bloodshot eyes and heaved a great sigh. The god of alcohol never really knew how to make a good first impressions, then again when did any god ever?

"Oh, I suppose I must say it. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. There. Now, don't expect me to be glad to see you." 

 "Uh, thanks." Percy scooted a little farther away from him, Juliet and Annabeth watched him with assessing eyes. Pretty boy, definitely. He had those aquamarine eyes and that geeks look that made Juliet stare just a little longer.

 "Annabeth?" Chiron called to the daughter of Athena who stood by Juliet's side. She came forward and Mr. Brunner introduced us. "This young lady found you by the gates, Percy. Annabeth, my dear, why don't you go check on Percy's bunk? We'll be putting him in cabin eleven for now." 

 Annabeth said, "Sure, Chiron." 

Then she was left alone, Juliet leaned on the porch as Chiron turned towards her, a sigh slipping away as he found those headphone plugged in her ears again. "And this is Juliet, she's the lady who nursed you back to health."

"Sup?" Juliet grinned, her eyes were hidden by the black raybans, yet her smile had just been blinding enough, she got that from her dad. Percy stared for a second before responding.

"Uhm, good?" Her grin widened a little at the awkwardness. Cute. 

"Juliet. Training." Chiron's words pulled her away, she rolled her eyes beneath the shades before standing up straight, giving a high five to grover before turning back to Percy, again with that charming smile, "Welcome to Camp Half Blood, Blue."

"B-blue?!" She could hear Grover and Percy sputtering behind her, but she just smile while rushing away with Billie Jean blaring through her headphones.

Camp was about to get a lot more fun.


Percy's eyes found the pretty blonde who'd called him blue in the archery range during his tour with Chiron. She stood by the side, hair tied in a ponytail with the headphones and ray bans still on, a pretty white metal bow rested in her hand as she talked with an Asian guy with that same loud smile.

She was pretty, She reminded Percy of those Art students in Central Park who'd smile at even strangers and talk with whoever and whenever. She had a blaring youthful energy to her. It made Percy wonder how she was so happy? 

"Slacking again," Chiron sighed when he saw Juliet, he made move towards the girl, but as if  sensing her Juliet pulled up her bow and without even glancing and still talking shot her shot, hitting bull's eye with ease.

Percy stared wide eyed while Chiron just shook his head in amusement. "She made the shot without looking?" Percy was stunned, how could anyone do that?

"She's a daughter of Apollo, the god of sun, archery, music and many other. Juliet has inherited many things from her parents, such as her skills with the weaponry."

"Parents?" Was her mom in the army or something? Percy stared at Chiron who met his gaze with his proud one. 

"Juliet's mother was a direct descendant of Alexander, Alexander the Great of Macedonia." 

What the actual hell?

Percy stood frozen there for a moment, even after Chiron had walked forward. The demigod concept had been foreign but historical figures such as Alexander the Great were just straight up unbelievable. How was he supposed to digest all this? He turned to stare at Juliet, direct descendant of a god and an emperor, oh my god and emperor.

As if feeling his gaze, the girl turned towards her, he couldn't see her eyes but that grin certified she was staring at him mischievously. Caught staring, colour rushed to his cheeks and he was about to turn away when Juliet lifted her hand and lightly waved.

His own hand awkwardly raised but rushed back down when the asian guy on her side turned towards him to, he had the most cold and piercingly blank stare Percy had ever encountered. Scary enough to make him rush towards Chiron without looking back, if he stayed there longer he felt like he could murdered.

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