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Juliet wished she could've put the mechanical spider on a leash

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Juliet wished she could've put the mechanical spider on a leash. It scuttled along the tunnels so fast, most of time she couldn't even see it. If it hadn't been for Tyson's and Grover's excellent hearing, They never would've known which way it was going.

They ran down a marble tunnel, then dashed to the left and almost fell into an abyss. Tyson grabbed them and hauled them back before they could fall. The tunnel continued in front of them, but there was no floor for about a hundred feet, just gaping darkness and a series of iron rungs in the ceiling. The mechanical spider was about halfway across, swinging from bar to bar by shooting out metal web fiber.

"Monkey bars," Annabeth said. "I'm great at these."

She leaped onto the first rung and started swinging her way across. She was scared of tiny spiders, but not of plummeting to her death from a set of monkey bars. Go figure.

Annabeth got to the opposite side and ran after the spider. Juliet had to stop herself from rolling her eyes at the look of sheer awe on Augustus's face. She shook her head, before jumping up and leaping on the bars herself, swiftly completing them without any problem.

Percy and Augustus on the other side had their jaws hanging looking at the two girls.

When the boys got across, they looked back and saw Tyson giving Grover a piggyback ride (or was it a goatyback ride?). the big guy made it across in three swings, which was a good thing since, just as he landed, the last iron bar ripped free under his weight.

They kept moving and passed a skeleton crumpled in the tunnel. It wore the remains of a dress shirt, slacks, and a tie. The spider didn't slow down. Percy nearly slipped on a pile of wood scraps, Juliet caught him, Augutus wasn't so lucky, but when they shined a light on them they realized they were pencils—hundreds of them, all broken in half.

The tunnel opened up onto a large room. A blazing light hit them. Juliet's eyes adjusted immediately, the first thing she noticed were the skeletons. Dozens littered the floor around them. Some were old and bleached white. Others were more recent and a lot grosser. They didn't smell quite as bad as Geryon's stables, but almost.

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