Bonus chapter

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This is a bonus chapter because this book has grown so much since the epilogue and I just want to give you guys a little thank you!!

This takes place on Christmas after Carson is born!
I woke up to Carson screaming his little head off in the little bassinet in the corner of my room.

I then looked at the alarm clock and it read 6:54am.

I groaned but got up. I walked over to the bassinet and grabbed my little boy.

I tried soothing him by rocking him but he continued to scream. I figured he was hungry so I sat down on my bed and took one strap of my tank top off then brought Carson to my breast and let him start eating.

I heard a knock on my door and before I could respond to it Conner walked in rubbing his eyes. He was only wearing pajama pants.

"Oh my god I'm sorry" Conner said then immediately turned around. I was confused but then I realized I was half naked. I grabbed one of Carson's baby blanket off my bed side table and covered myself and Carsons head.

"You can look now" he turned back around then walked over and sat by me. He started running his pointer finger over Carsons back.

Carson made a cooing sound around my nipple and I laughed and Conner smiled at me.

"He's my boy" Conner beamed. Carson always made little happy noises when Conner was around him and I thought it was adorable.

"The kids will be up any minute" I informed Conner and he nodded while still staring at Carsons back.

"Mama" I heard and I looked at Conner. He gave me a slight nod before getting up to go get Liam out of bed.

While Conner was gone I pulled the blanket off of me and Carson then pulled him away and burped him before going over and laying him back in his bassinet.

Conner came back in a few minutes later carrying Kylie and Liam. He walked over to my bed and playfully dropped both of them on my bed.

How Conner was so awake at 7 in the morning was beyond me but I didn't really care since he was entertaining the kids.

"Mama,grandpa?" Liam asked and I laughed. My dad was still Liam's best friend and it kind of made me jealous because my dad was the only person Liam wanted sometimes.

"He's not here baby" he frowned at me before coming over to me with his arms held up. I bent down and picked him up and he snuggled into me.

"I love you baby" I leaned in and kissed his cheek and he giggled.

"Love mama" he responded and I couldn't help but to hold him closer.

"Mama daddy's funny" I looked over at the bed where Kylie was laying on her back looking up at Conner who was making faces then leaning down to blow raspberries on her belly.

"Watch this Kylie" I went over and set Liam on my bed before walking over to Conner and tickling his sides. He immediately squirmed and wiggled trying to get away from me while laughing his head off.

After Almost six years of being together I knew things about him.

"Mama you funny" Liam said and I laughed.

"What's going on mommy?" I turned around to see the triplets standing there all looking very tired.

Ever since Carson was born nobody really got a lot of sleep.

"Sorry babies did we wake you?" Bradley nodded before he walked back to his room. Sky and Taylor both came in and looked at Carson who was fast asleep.

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