Chapter 3

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Hey, as said before I am very very new at book writing and I hope you like this, I will try to update as often as possible and I would LOVE your feedback or any tips on how the book should go. Please do leave comments for me I would appreciate it. 


Unaware of being watched, Bethany was just trying to relax and listen to her music. All of a sudden she hears a snap of some branched just behind her. She snapped her head up and began to panic when she noticed the guy from yesterday walking towards her with another man. 

"Hello, it's okay, we saw you running in here crying and got a little worried, are you okay little one?" the man from yesterday said.

"ye...yes I am okay, why did you follow me? People usually just let me be" Beth said.

"Oh little one we never let someone cry by themselves, especially someone who looks as hurt and broken as you do right now" the other man replied.

"I'm sorry but I should just get going I have school soon" Beth replied a little worried after the mans reply.

Beth picked up her back and started to walk away but before she was able to go far she felt a small prick in her neck.

"Ouch, what did you do?" Beth cried out trying to back away from the men who had a gentle but strong hold of her arms.

"shhh, all will be okay, just relax" they both cooed at her while she was trying to get out of their grasp. 

Beth tried to put up a fight and make a run for it but she was beginning to become very very sleepy and weak. Her attempts were becoming more sluggish and she began to fall to the floor but was caught on the way down and lifted into a warm embrace. 

"You will be okay now, sleep little one daddies got you" was the last thing that Beth heard before she faded into darkness.

Bethany's POV

To say I was freaked out when they wouldn't let me pass and grabbed me is an understatement. Why were they doing this to me, I don't even know who they are, why did they follow me? I tried to get out grip but felt a pinch in my neck. 

"Ouch, what did you do?" I cried out, continuing to get out of their grasp. I suddenly felt very woozy and my energy was gone, I was struggling to keep standing never mind fight them and that's when it hit me, they drugged me, they injected me with something. I started to panic more but soon found myself falling into darkness. 

"You will be okay now, sleep little one daddie's got you" was the last thing I heard before I slipped completely.  


Once Bethany was out like a light, I gently picked her up and we made our way out to the car we parked close by hoping that no one saw us. Once we got to the car I strapped Bethany into her car seat and closed the door, as I turned around to get into the passenger seat I heard shouting and found Bethany's dad screaming down the street coming our way calling for Beth asking where she was and saying she better get home now or there would be hell to pay. It was clear that he was drunk and didn't care that the whole street could hear him shouting threats to his daughter. 

He approached me and asked if I had seen her while trying to look into the back seats threw the windows, I obviously said no and told him I hope she never comes home with the threats he was shouting her way and got into the car and we drove home. Luckily our back windows are tinted you can see out but not see in, that was to help protect our little girl from the harsh lights outside when we were driving. 

"Let's go home my love," I said to my husband and he was more than happy to oblige. With a quick look at our little girl, we set off towards home and to her new life. 

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