Chapter 22

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Luke's POV

"What was that about?" I asked my husband once I shut the office door, "I don't know there is just something about that lady that puts me on edge and I really don't want to leave our baby in there with her" he sighed as he sat down. "Im sure everything will be ok, I get what you mean something did feel a little off but if she can help Beth with these terrors then it will be worth it will it not?" I asked just as we heard a scream then the office door open. Beth ran out and jumped into my arms before I could register what had happened. "Whats wrong love?" I asked my now sobbing little girl. I got no reply so handed her of to Daniel telling them I would be right back.

I made my way into the office and shut the door behind me then looked over to Dr.Smith who was holding her cheek with a red mark on it. "What on earth happened?" I asked in a strict tone to show im not playing here. "I asked her about her terrors and if she wanted to talk about then then all of a sudden she jumped up and slapped me before running out the room to yous." she says while showing me her cheek with a red mark on it. 

"What you are kidding me aren't you, Beth isn't that type of person she would not just lash out and hit someone for no reason infact she wouldn't do it at all," I say completely gobsmaked I don't believe this for a second and won't jump to any conclustions until I speak to my daughter about this. "Well I am sorry to say but this is true, your daughter assulted me and I won't tolerate it. Now if you will excuse me I have other clielts to see, I am sure we will meet again" She says dismissing me. 

I walk out the room and seee Daniel pacing trying to get our daughter to calm down and I motion for us to leave. We make our way to the car and Beth is finally calming down, I can tell shes worn herself out and is close to falling asleep but before she does I hear her speak for the first time in at least a day but its barely a whisper  and we only hear due to the silence in the car, "Hurts". Thats all she said before she drifted off to sleep. What the hell does she mean by that. I am livid some thing clearly happned in that office and I will get to the bottom of it. I glance over at Daniel as we start to drive and I can see worry written all over her face. 

Daniel's POV

When Beth came running out that room in tears to us my sences were on hight alert. I knew I shouldnt have left her in there but I am glad I had a funny feeling because when she was cuddled up in my lap before we left the office I clipped a little hidden camera on her shirt its so small you wouldn't even notice it. My work was working eith different types of cameras and I always have one in my pocket incase its's needed call it force of habit if you want. I will look at the camera when we get home but until then I will keep trying to calm her down while my partner is with the therapist. 

Luke eventually came out looking livid and it makes me wonder what was said. He said nothing but signals for us to leave and i ablige more than happy to get out of here. By the time we are at the car Beth has finally calmed down and once she is strapped in I can see her getting sleepy but what catches my attenetion the most is the word she whispers out before finally falling asleep. "Hurts". Im broken. What happened in that room?

Silence fills the car but it's not a comfortable one it is full on tension. Once we reach home I tell Luke to get Beth settled and Id be back. Without looking back I run upstairs to his office and plug the device in. 

(Video Starts)

"So Beth what do you want to talk about?"

"You have to talk to me so I can help you"

"Look kid I don't have time to sit here and watch you sitting there like a little pussy not walking to talk"

"ugh fuck this" 

Beth shreaks as Dr.Smith grabs her by the hair roughly and gets up and close to her face "would you just fucking talk already"

Beth pushed her away and runs for the door.

(Video Ends)


Just then Luke walks in, "whats wro..." he cant even finish that sentence once he seems my face. "You know how I said I had a feeling about that Dr, well I clipped a hidden camera on Beth as that feeling was just so strong and Im glad I went with my instincts take a look at this." I reset the video and let Luke sit down. Once he seen it he grabbed the phone and called the office up aswell as the police in the community and reported her for malpractice and assult. 

Once Luke slammed the phone down he too broke down. "I am so sorry I should have trusted your gut feeling and my own but all I could think about was getting her some help so she could be at peace"."I know love, but whats done is done and all we can do is be there for her when she wakes up, she may not want to see another therapist again tho and I wouldn't blame her" I say trying to ease him as I know exactly how he feels but I know that we cannot do anything about it, at the end of the day she was suppose to be a professional there to help not to scare them then lie about it and claim a child assaulted them. "Luke my love all we can do now is talk to Beth when she wakes and be there for her" I say to reasure him the best I can. 

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