Chapter 7

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Bethany's POV

I can't believe this is happening to me. My day had been a complete horror of a day and its only dinner time. Waking up in a crib, with baby pyjamas on, strange men who kidnapped me, sitting in a high chair, knowing about my life and my medical records, hand fed and the threat of being spanked my head is spinning and if anyone else was in my place I'm sure they would feel the same. 

How on earth did they manage to get hold of my medical records? Surely its against the law to have someone else's records especially if it's not family but then again they seem to think its legal to kidnap someone, treat them like a baby, and not let them leave when they ask to. 

I watched Daniel and Luke clean up the kitchen after dinner. They kept looking over at me and I hated it all I wanted was some alone time to process everything and to look for a way out of this place. I do have to admit from what I have seen their house is beautiful and from how it looks id have to guess and say that they must be rich or at least well-off enough to afford this. 

While I was distracted looking around, I didn't notice they had finished what they were doing and had unlatched the tray and straps. It wasn't until I felt myself being picked up I snapped out of my trance and jumped with the fright I got. 

"Don't touch me" I said trying to push out of their grasp with no luck. Like common how strong are these guys ugh. 

"Shh baby were just going to go threw to the living room and go over some of the rules of the house for everyone's safety especially yours" I believe it was Luke who said this.

"Yes because we wouldn't want anything to happen to our little girl do we love?" The question was from Daniel but directed from me then to Luke as they sat down on the sofa.

"NO I WILL NOT BE PART OF YOUR SICK GAMES, P-P-PLEASE LET ME GO" I screamed and  started squirming to get out of their arms that were holding me in a gentil but firm grasp. 

I broke down crying by the time I finished shouting at them my energy had been drained after a this morning and everything that came with it. To my surprise they both stayed quiet and Luke started rocking side to side a little and I have to admit it helped calm me down a little and it was relaxing. Once I was finally calm they began to talk again. 

"Feeling better now love?" Luke asked.

I didn't reply I was too tired and my throat was sore. I think they realised that I was not going to answer so they continued.

"Okay love were going to go over the rules okay? And remember there are there for your own protection." Daniel said. 

"Rule 1 - Always call us Daddy and Papa

Rule 2 - Always listen to daddies - No back Talking, Saying No, Hitting, Yelling basically no violence is aloud in this family

Rule 3 - No lying, we will see right threw it and you will be in even more trouble

Rule 4 - You are not aloud to open any doors or windows leading outside, any time you go out one of us will be with you at all times

Rule 5 - You will have 1 maybe 2 naps a day depends on how tired we think you are

Rule 6 - Always use your diapers

Rule 7 - Bedtime is at 8 unless told otherwise

And Rule 8 - If something is wrong tell us, we are here to help but can't help you unless you tell us." Daniel finished saying all the rules while I sat there motionless .

"Punishments will vary depending on how severe we deem the deed done. They will range from Time out, toys taken away, no tv to spankings if its really bad." Luke says just making this all so much better - NOT.

"Beth are you listening?" Luke asks sternly. 

I nod my head yes, too scared that my voice would betray me and set me off crying again. This is too much, way to much for me to handle right now. I start to hyperventilate and repeat the work No over and over again while I begin to struggle out there grasp yet again failing. 

"Your okay Beth take some deep breaths for me" Daniel says grabbing my hand and placing it on his chest, I try pull back but he keeps a firm hold of it. 

"In and out, breath with me little one, In and out" he repeats while Luke is whispering sweet nothings in my ear. 

I start to calm down but my eyes become droopy and before I know it I am falling asleep leaning against Luke's chest. 

"Have a nice nap baby" I hear Luke say before everything goes black.

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