Chapter 14

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Beth's POV

I woke up feeling groggy and tired this morning and after what happened in the middle of the night I felt stupid and small almost empty, I no longer knew how to feel. I had these 2 grown men telling me how much they loved me and that they wanted to care for me like I was their baby. I still don't know what it fully means when they talk about a headspace but after last night with how comfortable and possibly loved Luke made me feel I think maybe I should give this a try at least till I can get out of here Then I will run and start a new life away from everyone, yeah that sounds like a good plan to me, I am still not happy about being taken against my will but unlike if I were still at home with my parents I have not been beaten yet so I will ride this out till I can find a way out. 

I was startled out of my thoughts by Luke and Daniel walking into the room quietly and I just lay there watching them getting clothes out and put on the changing table along with another diaper...oh god here we go again. I don't think they realized I was awake and watching them but it was entertaining seeing them trip over one another while trying to be quiet I sat up and just watched their display when all of a sudden Daniel tripped over Luke's foot and fell to the floor and was cursing under his breath but it wasn't that quiet and I could not hold back anymore I burst out laughing at the scene in front of me. 

Daniel's POV

After Beth woke us up in the middle of the night it was safe to say we both felt a little groggy but a new day had begun and we needed to get up and going. After both getting showered and dressed we made our way to Beth's room and decided to get everything ready before waking her up and getting her dressed, but we were both still half asleep so we were falling on top of one another until I finally tripped over his foot and fell to the floor. I was so frustrated at this point that I could not hold my words when all of a sudden I heard the sweetest laugh ever.

Both Luke and I looked over at Beth who we didn't realize was awake and she was in a fit of giggles, clearly finding my humility hilarious. 

"Oh, do you find this funny little one hmm?" I asked in a teasing tone but she stopped laughing straight away and looked at me in fear. I hate that look so I decided to do something to bring her giggles back I walked up and dropped the bars grabbed her legs and pulled her so she was lying down again, I know she is scared but she won't be for much longer.

"I think you need to be ticked as punishment for laughing at daddy what do you think Luke?" and that's when I started to tickle her. She screamed while laughing and it was adorable to hear. 

"Stop pleaseeeee" she screamed over and over again. 

"Please what little one?" I asked, I had to see how far I could push her since she seemed to be in a happy mood this morning. 

"Daddy pleaseeeeee stoooooooooop" and I do because she is now breathless and I am over the moon that my little girl called me daddy. 

"Right, I think that is enough carry on for one morning lets get ready for the day little one," Luke says behind me while he comes and picks her up and takes her over to the changing table, that is when her mood changes and I know we will have to strap her down to get her changed. We make quick work of getting her changed and I pick her up and take her to the kitchen room and put her in her highchair for breakfast.

"What would you like love we have some porridge, fruit, some egg, and toast, what would you like?" Luke asks.

"I-I g-get to p-pick?" 

"Of course, you can love" I replied while getting Luke and I's breakfast. 

"C-can I p-please have some more f-fruit? It was really nice last night " she asked but squeezed her eyes shut after asking. 

Both Luke and I share a look and before he can reply I walk over to her and take her hands in mine, she flinches away but I keep a hold. "Open your eyes love, please," and she does ever so slowly, "You never need to fear asking for something you want with us okay, how about some fruit and porridge I know you like porridge in the mornings, how does that sound?" She nods her head with more of a happy glint in her eyes at my words. Luke sets her breakfast down and we all dig in and have a nice quiet breakfast. 

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