Chapter 21

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Third Person POV

Morning came around and for the first night since Beth had come home, they managed to all sleep peacefully. Morning came along and they were all up, dressed and fed for 8.30 am. Grabbing everything needed for their journey to the therapist they all made their way to the car and got buckled in. Beth has been quiet but happy in the morning and the guys could only keep their hope that this meant she begining to trust them. On the journey they would glance back or at the mirrors to check on her since she was overly quiet and everytime they would just see her glancing out the window with a relaxed smile on her face. They would look at each other silently speaking with their eyes both loving but also causious of the calm going around. 

Almost like the calm before the storm. Famous last words. 

Luke's pov

We pulled into the parking lot, got Beth and headed into the homely looking building. We did tell her of our appointment this morning and the reply we got was a slight nod of the head and an unsure smile. I walked up to the front desk and told them about our appointment at 9 with Dr.Smith then proceeded to the waiting room. We take out seats on a cody little grey sofa and I place Beth on her feet. There are a few other families and littles here sitting chatting and playing. I look at Beth who is causiously glancing round the room and im not sure if she was aware or not but it was evident that she was really nervous and took a few steps closer to me and Daniel, I think it was a subconscious move doing this and in her nevr move aswell where she gently gripped onto my trousers at the knee. I glanced over at Daniel and seen he is also looking at her assessing her mood and before I get the chance to say or do anything he jumps in first. 

"Come here bug," he says and opens his arms up for her and I was a little taken back when she without hesitation went to him where he proceeded to pick her up and let her cuddle into him. She lets out a content sigh and burried her head into his chest. We stst like that for 10 minutes before our names got called. 

Daniel's POV

Once we sat down I instantly noticed Beth tense up and scoot closer to Luke. It made me smile not the fact that she felt uncomfortable but the fact that shes Luke as a safe space, I watched for another few moments before I couldn't take seeing her nervous and opened my arms for her. With no hesitation she ran up to me and I lifted her up and cuddled her close to my chest to let her know she was okay. We have noticed that no matter how she feels, the second shes in our arms she relaxed. Its nice to know that she feels safe with us even is she is mad at us at the same time. 

We sat like that with her snuggled up in my embrace for a bit before we heard our names being called. I felt Beth grip onto my shirt at this and I knew it was best that I just keep ahold of her atleast until were in the quiet of the office. We make our way to a lovely office with a comfy sofa, table sat infront and the therapists chair at the other side of it. 

"Ah good mornign I am Dr.Smith it's very nice to meet yous." The therapist says while motioning for us to sit down. "Mornign my name is Daniel and this here is my husband Luke and our new little Bethany." I say giving her a warm smile. 

"Hello im Dr.Smith but you can call me Sarah if you would prefere, Now I have a little infromation from the notes that were left from getting details on the phone so why don't we start with whats going on and how can I help," she says with a warm friendly smile but I get a strange feeling from her and I don't like it but at the end of the day we are here for Beth so I will keep my mouth shut and see how the session goes. 

"Well  Beth has come from an abusive past and were working on trust and seem to be going somewhere in the right direction with that side of things but unfortunatly she has nightmares, well more like night terrors regularly wether its during the night or during nap time and these really take it out of her and quite frankly its not nice to see or hear her go threw this, we are here to see if there is anything we can do to help her with these and maybe talking to someone who isn't us may help her" Luke says as he glances over to us and rubs Beths back before focusing his attention back to Sarah. 

"Right I see I can sure have a chat with her alone and see what she says if you wish?" Sarah says and Luke agrees but I am very reluctant to leave her here with Sarah, again there is something thats putting me on edge about her and I can't place it for the life of me. I am snapped out my thoughts when Luke speaks to me, "Right love lets give them some time to chat ok," he says standing up and looking at me expectantly. I stand and gently place Beth down on the sofa and take both her hands into mine and say "We will just be outside that door if you want to stop at anytime you come open that door and get us okay" she looks up at me and nods her head in response. I stand giving her a kiss on the head before heading out with Luke. 

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