Chapter 20

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Daniel's POV

Luke placed Beth down in her seat and strapped her in before coming to the front passenger side and buckling up before I started the car and we began heading home. "Should we nip off to the shops and grab a few bits for dinner while we're out?" I asked Luke, "That's a good plan since we are passing the shops anyway and we won't be long," he said. Instead of going straight at the lights, I turned off to the left as you need to go that way to get into the parking it's a one-way system that can be a bit of a pain to get out of but luckily I'm a patient man. 

Once I found a place to park I quickly made my way inside to grab a few things while Luke stayed with Beth in the car. I walked around grabbing stuff for a few days then made my way to checkout I saw a little stand for charity at the front just next to the tills. It was for an animal charity and they had some lovely homemade bracelets. I couldn't help myself and had to stop and look at them. There was this lovely horse charm with a blue leather band and I could picture it on Beth's wrist, so, of course, I had to buy it, it was for charity after all, yeah that will be my excuse. Once I bought the bracelet and the shopping I made my way back to the car and saw Luke standing outside on his phone. 

"Everything ok?" I asked since he looked a little angry. "That bastard has posted eveywhere that his daughter is missing and she needs meds so needs to come home or she acts like a crazy person, oh how id like to kill him," he says in a softer tone than I know he would like to have used and I know this will be so that he doesn't wake Beth up. "He will never find her, she will never be in harms way again especially at the hands of that vile man." Is all I could say while putting the shopping in the boot of the car. I gently shut the boot door and made my way back into the car. Luke got in next to me and said "I know, I wouldn't let him look at her never mind touch her again, anyway I'm not going to think about it or I will just get angrier, let's go home." and that we did. 

Luke's POV

The audacity of that man, who in their right minds would cause the abuse he has to that little girl then act all sad and innocent then clam that shes a nutjob without her meds for anyone to see and to clarafy she doesn't even take any meds so that's just another lie he can add to his shitty pile. 

Once Daniel left that car I looked round at Beth to made sure she was still asleep before I heard a ping on my phone. I took it out my pocket to have a look at what it was and it was from my brother who was aware of this situation we were in with taking Beth etc. I opened it thinking it was him wondering how we have all settled but to my shock it was a link to an article thats went far and wide about a missing 17 year old girl called Beth. I got out the car to read the article and it made my blood boil. If I could I would have killed that man, he doesn't even deserve to be called a man. When Daniel came back I told him what had happened and I tried to calm myself before getting back into the car. Once calm we headed back home and Daniel took Beth to her nursery while I put the shopping away still feeling that urge to calm myself more. 

I was just setting the last of the shipping down in the fridge when I heard a thud. I didn't even think I just ran. I ran upstairs to where my family was to see Beth on the floor fighting in her sleep, clearly panicking. I picked her up and made my way to the rocking chair and tried to calm her down, it was hard, she as still asleep and she was thrashing around but eventually she did start to calm and just slept like nothing had happened. I looked at Daniel to see what had happened and all I got was that look of I will tell you later. I stood up and lay Beth down in bed, then went and turned the monitor on and headed downstairs with Daniel hot on my heels. 

"What on earth happened?" I asked as calm as I could, "I lay her down on the rug while I grabbed stuff to change her and she was at peace then all of a sudden she started to thrash about then banged on the floor then you came in" he says looking guilty, I know this isn't his fault and it hurts him just as much as it hurts me to see her in that state, "maybe we should get a therapist to talk to her, she needs to talk about it all with someone to try and help these night terrors she is having" I say and Daniel agreed. I went to my office and called the local theripist and asked her if she would be able to book us in. Luck was on our side, she had an appointment for tomorrow at 9am.

Third Person POV

The rest of the day went on smoothly, Beth had woken up and seemed a little happier, they all ate dinner without a glich and watched some movies the rest of the night. Bedtime soon arived for the family and they let Beth sleep inbetween them that night, worried that if she were in her own that she would wake to a terror again, they though maybe this way she will feel the warmth of their love while she slept. 

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