Chapter 10

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Daniel's POV

I can't believe it, the most adorable sound I have ever heard just came out of my little girl. Her giggles are lovely to hear and the odd little squeal she made ugh I could just eat her up. I caught Luke from the corner of my eye making his way into the room when I was tickling her and he had the biggest smile I have ever seen on his face. This little one has no idea that with her being here we have never been happier, we are whole and it is all we have ever wanted. 

After we calmed down I offered Beth her bottle which she took with no hesitation, she either was still in a daze from being tickled or she was thirsty after being tickled either way I was happy enough that I had her in my arms, cuddled close, drinking her baba and I could see her start to drift asleep. Once Beth was out like a light we took her to the nursery, got her changed into comfy clothes for bed and a fresh diaper then tucked into bed with her horse teddy and pasi. We said our good nights and got ready to leave and I turned the night light and baby monitor on before closing the door and locking it behind me. 

"She was such a little delight tonight wasn't she love" Luke said as we made our way into bed. We had decided to watch TV and cuddle in there tonight so we were closer to Beth if she woke up unexpectedly. 

"Yes, It was like a dream come true and her little squeals when being tickled OMG I could have melted with the love I felt for her at that moment" I replied looking over to Luke who just gave me a knowing look. 

"You know there is a high chance that when she wakes she may not be happy and act up," he says to me. I never thought of this and it suddenly got me worried. I think worry showed on my face as Luke hugged me saying it would be fine we could handle her if she did begin to lash out. 

I relax back into bed cuddling into my husband closing my eyes listening to the TV as background noise while I smile to myself at the happy thoughts going threw my head about how perfect my family is now and how it is complete. 

Luke's POV

I saw the worry on Daniel's face when I mentioned that Beth may wake up unhappy with today's events. It hurts to see him worry over it and I know it can't be helped but all I can do is reassure him that it will be all ok and show our little girl how to love her life again. It makes me sick to see what kind of life she had before we took her. I know there were other ways to do this, but we did consider talking to her about this life and seeing if she may have been interested in giving it a go or at least having us as a safe space when she needed it but after a bad beating we saw her receive of that bastard she called a father it was decided that this was not something that could gradually be introduced and we had to save her before the bastard killed her. 

Daniel spent weeks decorating the nursery and hand-picking out everything in there and in the playroom for her, he wanted, no needed it to be perfect for her coming and I don't think I have ever seen him so excited before. All his hard work and dedication that was put into this was loving to see and the outcome was spectacular with that I closed my eyes with one final thought, I love my family. 

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