Chapter 24

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Third Person POV

The families week went by with love, fun and happiness. Beth had stayed in a younger headspace and was shoing off her more adventurous and mischevious side. The couple couldn't help but coo at her. Everything was going in the right direction.

This morning when the couple went to get Beth ready for the day they noticed she was awake but not happy and bubbly, not calling out for them, just sitting there in a corner silently. She didn't look upset or like she had been crying but she didn't look settled either. This concerned the two and they relised Beth had come out of her headspace for the first time since the she went into one after the incident at the therapists office.

They decided to leave her be and not press for her to talk knowing they she would when she was ready. They got her up and ready for the day with no fuss and were sitting at the table eating breakfast. They could see that she was deep in thought when slowly picking away at her toast and sausages. 

Daniel's POV

We knew Beth was not in a little headspace anymore but this silence was begining to get painful. It was now lunch time and she still has not said anything. I share a look with my husband and he gives me a nod in approval knowing we can't let this go any longer. 

"Bug whats wrong? Your very quiet today." I asked in hope of her talking to us. "Nothing" she all but whispers npt looking at us. "If we have done somthing you need to tell us so we can help you. I couldn't live with myself if we had done something to upset you my love." Luke says. Now this gets her attention as she snapps her head towards up with tears in her eyes.

"No no, you have not done anything it's the opposite and I am just trying to, I don't know understand my feelings in all of this." She says in a rushed voice and I am so proud of her for being brave and talking to us, it is something we have been working on is getting her to open up and feel like she can talk to us about anything. 

"What do you mean bug?" I ask pressing for more. "I should't feel like this, this is all wrong what you have done to me but I have never felt so loved before and warm and safe and i don't know how to feel about all of this, it is easier when im in a little I don't have to think about it but now I don't know but what if you decide you don't want me anymore will you send me back?" she sobbs out that last of that sentence and I jump into action. "Bug listen to me, WE love you so much and there is never going to be a day where we will think about sending you back that will NEVER happen and im so sorry to say but You my little Lovebug are stuck with Papa and I and there is nothing that will change that ok," I say is a soft but stern tone. 

"I love you daddy," she says as he hugs me tight. We sit there for a few moments before she leans away and looks over to Luke reaching her arms out to him in which he does not hesitate to bring her over to his lap. "I love you to papa", "and we love you bug" we say at the same time. 

Beth's POV

I have been so anxious all morning. Things have been going so well and I love my daddies but I can't help but feel so unsure about the future now that Im out of a headspace. So many questions. 

What if they get fed up with me?

What will they do?

Give me back to my abusive parents?

So many more questions were in my head and I replayed them over and over all morning long and I couldn't stop myself from worrying. At lunch when they asked if they had done something I couldn't hold back any longer and it was like word vomit for myself. 

Knowing that they don't want to send me back ever makes me relieved and happy, I am so glad that this has happened to me and I know that I fought it to start with but now I Love my life and I know it's only been a short period of time but I don't ever want to leave. 

"I love you daddy," I said as I hugged him as tight as I could. We sit there for a few moments before I lean over to Papa reaching my arms out to him in which he does not hesitate to bring me over to him and cuddle him too "I love you to papa", "and we love you bug" they said at the same time. 

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