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20 years ago

Edmund Bridgerton POV

It had been a great deal of time since I last had a peaceful walk with my family. Usually I was the viscount and I was obliged to have my guards in order to keep me and my family safe, nonetheless today I was only a father taking my children to the park on a walk. We were strolling down the small grove looking for a good spot to place the blanket and have our picnic. Violet, she was holding Collin only months old, we had found out yesterday she was once again pregnant. Our three eldest children, Anthony, Benedict and Evangeline walking a few feet in front of us. Each boy on either side of my daughter holding her hand protectively even though Anthony was six Benedict five and Evangeline 3.

We found our spot and Violet was making slices of bread and strawberry jam, Evangeline, or our little angel as I call her, since she is our only girl yet, giving us some peace in the chaos of the three naughty trouble makers we have, was sitting with the baby on her small lap rubbing Collins tiny belly as she chuckled once she saw a butterfly, she gently placed the baby upon the blanket and she stood up fixing her small dress while she went off to catch the beautiful flying creature.

"Angel, do not wander too far" my wife called her.

"Yes mama" she giggled in a high pitched voice, I smiled at the sight but my smile was soon cut off as I heard Benedicts cry.

"What the matter Benedict" I walked over to my sons.

"Anthony, pushed me" he whined, his juvenile voice filled with complaint.

"Anthony..." I turned to our firstborn.

"'M sorry papa, we were only playing" Anthony excused himself, a little diplomat, I thought and smiled to myself, although now I had to be strict.

"Apologize to your brother, not me. Now what did we say about our siblings" I asked Anthony and he looked at me in the eyes.

"That they are the most important part of us." He repeated the quoting I started teaching him once Eva was born. "'m sorry for pushing you Benedict" Anthony smiled at his brother, I expected Benedicts response but my wife's shriek interrupted.

"Edmund!" she cried out loud and I told the boys to come back to our small spot, I immediately kneeled next to her and cupped her face, her expression of dreaded filled me with terror. "Ed, Eva, she- she is gone" she cried "I kept calling her name and she was- she was here a moment ago" she panicked and I took a deep breath to remain calm.

"Boys stay here with mama, will you" I smiled at my kids and stood up looking around. "Evangeline!" I called her name again and again, therefore there was no response and it started to numb my limbs from fear. No one seemed to be at the grove, no people or passersby.

"I like butterflies sir!" I heard our of the blue her sweet voice from far very far and my feet got wings as I accelerated my walk rate to the spot but her voice seemed further and further.

"Oh really, that's nice, you know my wife has a garden filled with those" I heard another voice, foreign one and my view soon got clear as I saw a man, royally dressed and a lady and a carriage, the lady kissing my daugther's forehead.

"Stop!" I yelled and ran there as the guards of the grove stopped the couple.

"Sir what is the meaning of this!" one of the guards wondered.

"I am viscount Bridgerton and these cons took my daughter!" I spoke making a sincere effort to not be rude and loose my manner.

"Sir is this true?" the guard turned to the man who went white, he didn't reply and the guard opened the carriage door and my daughter was sitting on the bench and smiling. I was relieved she wasn't scared.

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