U p d a t E

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Hey, as you probably realized I kind of lost my way on the first season story and I do not feel comfortable to keep it going because I got bored of it and the past three chapters have been forced. I also have connected my attempts to write the fic with a bad period of my life so that's also another reason I pause it.

Since season two of Bridgerton is the season I like the most until now and I got hyped with the upcoming season on May so until then I would like to have finished the second story hoping it would be good enough to continue.

The changes I thought of were first that the oc will be a twin and her name will change and probaly Owen too. That's all I can think of.

To this point I would like to hear YOUR opinion on the comments or on dm it helps me a lot to get feed back, like should it be a separate book, or not?. Besides this fic is nothing without the viewers and its also my most viewed one!

Don't forget to take care of yourselves,

Yours, Silvermist

P/S: there will be a new chapter of the new story soon:) 

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