unfolded truth

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A r u s h i

Tears were rolling from my eyes continuously no matter how hard I tried to stop it, people say words are crueler than weapons because weapons left scar on your body which can be treated but the scar given by words are the worst you get it on your soul and heart and is impossible to cure.

"Madam ticket" a man in his 40s asked me who I think is the bus conductor, yes I'm on the bus right now going away from him forever, i needed it no we needed it

I was anyways was about to get out of his life in the upcoming days and this man just gave me a reason to do it earlier I have no regret of leaving that house yes but there is a pain that resides inside me when I imagine the face of his family members which for some time were mine also, I'll send him the divorce paper tomorrow itself.

"I'll do online payment" I said but as soon as I tried to open my phone to pay him it got switched off I don't know why I think I charged it enough i looked at the man in front of me

"Now?" He said

"My friend will pay you when we reach" I said to which he looked inconvenience

"No madam I want it now it's the rule of the bus to have it as soon as people get in or kick them out in the next station"
that arrogant man said

I have to go to another city I sighed and removed the gold locket I have from my neck and gave it to him.

"Have it till I pay you it is real gold" I said handling him.

He observed the chain carefully as if I would make a fool of him and then said okay.

After 2 hours I reached my friend's house her name is Shanvi and we were school friends and got separated away after our 12th but stayed in contact, i already called her asking to pick me up from the bus station.

"Arushi what happened why did you suddenly leave and at this late hour" she said unlocking the door.

"Something came up" I said not wanting to tell anyone about it

"Oh have a seat let me fetch you water and tea" she said

"Only water" i said and she nodded going to the kitchen

She lives here with her younger sister Manvi who was my junior in school and is 4 years younger than us.

I gulped two glasses of water

"Arushi then wha-" i cut her off

"Please let's talk tomorrow I'm very tired" I said

"Ok sure but you will have to answer tomorrow" she said and i nodded my head then went to the guest room.


"So tell me now" she said while serving me poha and tea.


"Arey Arushi di ap yaha kaise" Manvi came downstairs while rubbing her eyes.

"Hi there" I said

"Hello I really missed you, you were one of the best seniors I ever had" she said taking a seat and I just gave her a smile which was not a genuine one. And she started going on with talks

"Manvi, eat silently" Shanvi said in a strict tone and the girl obeys.

"So tell me"

"Actually I had a fight with my husband" i said Playing with poha not having an appetite to eat it.

"For what? And why did you get married in the first place" she said and eyed me suspiciously, she was my childhood friend with whom I have shared my family problems so it is hard to lie to her.

"It was an arranged marriage, and he was a good choice so I agreed to it" I said and she didn't buy my lie and raised her eyebrows

I sighed and told her everything.

"What the fuck man how can a man do this to his own daughter" she said and anger is what you can see in her eyes and in mine tears.

"And what about your husband" she asked

"Well he also didn't want this marriage so it was not hard for me" I said sipping my tea.

"Then why suddenly leave him if I'm right still 3 days are left before you can divorce him according to the agreement" she said

"We had a misunderstanding in between causing to a great havoc" I said

"Then solv-"

"Let it be atleast I have a reason to part my ways" i said

In the evening we went to a lawyer and thankfully she was a friend of Shanvi, because of what she charged less and prepared the divorce paper.

I sighed it and parcel it to his address

"Finally I'm free" I sighed


On the other side

"What the hell do you mean by she left?" Ayush (Arushi's older brother) shouted at Vivaan
"Keep you voice low" vivaan said

He is in his office right now and had a meeting with Ayush after which they were engaged in a talk and it was of Arushi

"How can she leave now, isn't 3 more days left for the agreement" Ayush whispered but it was heard by Vivaan too

"What kind of agreement" he asked frowning to which Ayush was confused

"You didn't know?" He said

"Spit it out already" he said angrily

Vivaan pov:

The truth unfolded left me outraged at Arushi and her father how dare them play with me. You wanted divorce and to get away from me now I'm gonna cage you forever, i pay no mercy to people who betray me.

'It's time to show my dear wife who i truly am'


How was the chapter guys ik it was not upto your liking but the upcoming chapters will be so stay tuned.

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