Stuck in the storm

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Target~130 votes.

I was about to write and upload this chapter on 5 March but many of you were very desperate for it, and i received several messages for this, so i thought of writing it, so please vote I've written it when I have my physics exam on the edge only for you guys I've uploaded, so i think I deserve it, but if you think I don't then you are free to not vote. :⁠,⁠-⁠)
(The chapter is still not edited)

 :⁠,⁠-⁠)(The chapter is still not edited)

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How I wish that your care
is not a mirage
but even if it is then just

for once let my brain be
perplexed, if in return
I can get some warmth
which I seek for

Two days have already passed since that heart wrenching experience, but Vivaan never let me feel anything bad about it, he was always there beside me, it comforts me but scares me too, I want to maintain my distance but he makes it difficult.
How i curse at myself for being so weak and vulnerable that I hate myself for being like this, how I wish I were never born or if born then why God made me this weak.

I despise how easily, I apologise to someone if they feel even the slightest discomfort because of me and just because of that I apologise to him, at that moment I don't know what happened to me but i couldn't see him giving me silent treatment and regretted saying all those words but if I look in the matters more clearly now then it was not only my mistake, in fact my mistake was only to call him a-name meanwhile he on the other hand always have done more than that, so why only me who should apologise breaking my ego when that man is so high on himself that he never says sorry for his mistakes.

I hate myself for being like this god.

"Hungry?" He asked while his focus is on driving only, we are in a remote area right now which will lead us to a snow capped mountain, and the journey is pretty long but exiting.

"No" I said looking outside feeling the strong cold wind teasing my skin wildly while making my hair strands scatter around which were once neatly was pulled up in a low ponytail binded by a blue scrunchie which is nowhere to be seen, the weather is too chilly today.

Just a moment in nature and you forget your pain, the beauty of it engulfs your pain in it making you realise how life goes on even after a drastic storm. How once a lifeless tree in October becomes cheerful just after some months, nature is one of the elements which give me desire to live and not give up.

"Close the window you will catch cold" his statement broke down my chain of thoughts but I paid no attention to his words and kept looking outside seeing the trees and mountains covered in snow sprinting behind, the snow falling down because of the heavy wind, but the wind was cut off as the window closed down, and with a frustrated sigh I turned to face him, who was already looking at me.

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