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Hello! It has been SO long since I've written Angel, and it is so so crazy to be seeing people still deciding to read this ?? 

I wanted to officially add a foreword to this fanfiction.

It's been actual years since I read through or wrote anything to do with Angel. I am so terribly aware of how cringy this story is to me looking back on it, but I do absolutely love it still. And I know I put in a lot of hard work when I wrote it. I'm amazed that back in Sept. 2020, I had reached 150k reads and 4k votes, but now in Dec. 2023, I'm at 294k reads and 7.74k votes. ACTUALLY INSANE!! People are still interested in something I wrote that is so crazy to me.

On a personal note, I would love to come back and rewrite things having much more experience. There are probably so many things that I would change. But I don't think I really ever will. So, with that, please be kind and understanding that this was written in 2016-2018 :) There are definitely poorly written parts throughout. I'm so sorry for the inconsistencies, too. I know I have edited the first couple of chapters a bit more recently, but overall, the whole thing is pretty old. 

Genuinely, though, I really appreciate that people are reading and hopefully enjoying this!Thank you so, so much for just reading, voting, commenting, and even sharing if you have. It makes me really happy that the younger me has reached so many eyes. 

So enjoy this terribly old piece of work that I put in a lot of effort and time to create! And again, thank you so much for reading <3

Angel [Victor Nikiforov]Where stories live. Discover now