{Chapter 34.5}

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"Yuuri! Come on. It'll be fun." Mizore exclaims, trying to convince the depressed skater to go to the banquet.

"I don't feel like it. Everyone will be there too." He glumly answers.

"Yuuri~! Of course everyone will be there, it's a banquet! Come on~! Celestino wants you to go too." She pleads.

Mizore herself was already ready to go, everything set and perfect.

Groaning, Yuuri finally gives in, "I'll go get ready."

As Mizore cheers, she quickly gets pushed out of the room.

"Eh? Yuuri!" As she sulks for a couple seconds she calls back, "Just don't take forever in there!"

"Is he finally coming?" The familiar voice of Celestino asks.

The chestnut haired woman turns to find Yuuri's coach behind her in his suit.

"Mhm... It took a while though.... You don't think we'll be late, do you?"

Celestino chuckles, "Only fashionately late, Shirayuki."

As Mizore laughs, the door beside her swings open, revealing Yuuri; ready in his suit.

"Oh! Yuuri! Finally." Celestino exclaims. Mizore frowns to herself as she steps closer and fixes his tie.

"Well! We're all ready. Let's go."


"Mizore! I'm so sorry!" Lucy exclaims after spotting her friend just arriving.

Mizore jumps slightly and looks over at her side, "Oh! Lucy!" She says with a smile.

Lucy wraps her arms around her arms around the taller woman's arm, "Are you alright?"

The chestnut haired woman smiles softly, "I'm alright, thank you."

"Lucy~! Oh! Mizore!" Another familiar voice yelled out through the crowd.

A couple people parted revealing the bright red haired woman dragging along Miyamoto.

"How are you?" Ruby asks, stopping in front of them, grinning.

Mizore shows her leg to her small crowd, bring their attention to her booted foot.

"What did you even do?" Miyamoto asks, staring at it in concentration and chewing on her lip.

"I sprained, it isn't highly damaged, but I should be careful with it until I can start moving it."

Mizore takes her leg back and shifts her weight around, "Before you scold me, it wasn't my landing, it was my skate."

Ruby squints at me with a glare, "That means you should've taken more care in seeing how worn out your skate is."

Mizore sighs, "I know. I was careless..."

"You could've done something worse and never skated again!" Miyamoto suddenly bursts out.

The three woman look at her with surprise at her sudden outburst. "I really am sorry... I - "

"Are you stupid Shirayuki? One more wrong twist and you never would've been able to step on the ice again."

Her dark blue eyes glare at the chestnut haired woman, an aura of anger around her.

"You have nothing but looks to help you win. I don't see why you have to be the best when there are others way better."

"Yui..." Lucy trails off, shaking her head in  disbelief as the raven haired woman turns and walks away, pushing past people.

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