{Chapter 26}

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As i'm finished getting ready to sleep, there's a light knock at my door.

"Victor?" I ask as I see the tall Russian standing there once opening the door.

As he steps in, I close the door after him. "How are you feeling?" Victor asks as he starts to take off his coat.

I smile and tilt my head to the side, "Fine for now."

Victor's mouth curls up the a slight smirk, "You're so very innocent." He says as he runs his hand down a piece of my hair.

I blush and stare at the ground, feeling my heart flutter a bit, 'How is he able to do this to me?' I think.

"By the way, Chris sent something to help with your ankle. I think it would be best to use it now."

I nod at the Russian's statement as he leads the two of us towards the bed.

"Lay down." He orders. "Oh." I exclaim in surprise but follow his order nevertheless.

I rest on my elbows, staring at Victor suspiciously. "Hold on, i need to take your sock off..." he mumbles.

As he does, I hear a click of a bottle opening.

"Ah!" I gasp in surprise as something cold touches the area close to my ankle.

I glance down to find Victor spreading lotion around.

"Tell me if it hurts at any point."

I nod and properly let my back hit the bed.

I sigh in relief as I feel whatever left of any pains go away. "Kimochīi." I sigh, feeling pressure in a certain point.

(Feels good.)

Soon enough, his hands pull away making me pout, "Why did you have to stop?" I ask.

Victor chuckles at my expression and places the bottle on the bedside table.

"It's getting late. Tomorrow's your free skate, remember." He answers while standing up.

As I slip under the covers, Victor turns to leave. "W - wait!" I exclaim and grab his hand.

As I do, a jolt of electricity runs up my arm, making me blush, "Could you stay here?" I ask shyly.

He chuckles with a slight blush on his face, "Of course, moya lyubov'."

(my love.)

"What does that mean?" I ask curiously as he starts taking off his shoes.

Victor laughs, "You'll just have to find out yourself."


"Victor," I ask sweetly as i'm getting my skates on, "Could you tie up my other skate?"

Victor kneels down on one knee and starts tying the left one up while I tie up the right one.

"Alright done." He says. He lifts his head just as I am, making it so our eyes meet.

With our heads only inches apart, Victor suddenly leans in, closing the gap between us.

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