{Christmas III}

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"Yuuri...! Yuuri!" Someone whispers beside him. He groans softly and turns away.

"Yuuri!" They exclaim louder. "What?" The raven haired man replies, glancing back.

He finds Mizore there with a pout. "What is it?" Yuuri asks, slowly turning back to her.

"Could you take Victor to bathe? A little before we eat?" The woman asks sweetly.

Yuuri nods sleepily, "For the surprise... right?" Mizore nods with a smile, "Thank you!"


"Ne, Victor. Want to take a bath?" Yuuri asks, poking his head into the Russian's room.


Victor was laying on his bed with his phone above him. While Mizore had her computer on the couch.

Victor's blue eyes dart over to the Japanese male before nodding, "Sure! That would be nice!"

As he gets off the bed Mizore looks up from her computer, "Take your time...! Okā - san still has things she wants to get ready."

"Hm... want to join us, Mizore?" The Russian asks with a smirk. The woman raises an eyebrow as Yuuri's face flushes red.

"Ah! Just go!" She exclaims, giving a look at her boyfriend before paying attention to her computer again.

The silver haired man leaves with Yuuri chuckling to himself. Mizore listens carefully before shutting her computer and gets up.

The chestnut haired woman peeks her into the kitchen to find Hiroko. "Yuuri just took Victor away...!" She says.

"Oh! Good! Let's get to work then!" The brunette mothers says with a smile.

Soon enough, both of them got all the decorations out and were just starting to place them around.

"Hiroko...! Mizore!" A familiar voice calls out from the front door.

Hiroko's head shoots up with a smile, "Minako - senpai! We're over here!"

The tall woman enters the room with a smile, "Setting up already?" She asks.

"Un! Yuuri got Victor away so we could decorate...!" Mizore explains.


"Hmmm... What a good plan you have! Should I get food out?" Minako asks after placing her bag down.

Hiroko nods quickly, "Yes please! The cake is in the fridge, and the food is already out."

"Arigatou! I'll try to be careful!" The tall brunette leaves chuckling.

"Mi - chan... how are we going to get these up?" The older woman asks, pointing to the ribbons.

Mizore takes a moment to think, "Hm... I think I can reach the ceiling if I stand on something."

Hiroko nods slowly, "Be careful..." As the younger woman gets on a table, Hiroko passes her ribbons.

"Mizore...! Where did you get the cake?" Minako calls from the kitchen.

Mizore looks back down over to where her voice is coming from, "Eh? I made it!" She answers back.

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