{Chapter 38}

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I let go of my position, finding it difficult to breathe.

Gasping for air, I look up to find people cheering but I can't hear anything.

I look over to where Victor was standing to find him gone.

My breathing slows down as I turn to the exit, finding the familiar Russian standing there.

Tears swell up in my eyes as I skate over, 'Will this is one of the last times i'll see him here?'

As I stop in front of him, he pulls me in, immediately placing his lips onto mine.

He kissed me feverishly, almost needily. "V - Victor!" I gasp as he pulls away.

Victor wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer, "I love you." He whispers in my ear.

I gasp as a couple tears fall.

As we're sitting on the bench waiting for my score, I keep looking around for Yuuri.

"Don't worry." Victor says reassuringly, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"The score for Mizore Shirayuki..."

My gaze goes directly up to the screen and I freeze in shock.

A loud cheer goes through the crowd as I turn to Victor with wide eyes.

He grins, his eyes shining with pride. "She's now passed the world record set by her ex -rinkmate Surya Bonaly."

Laughing with joy, I squeeze Victor's hand, "Do you see that!" I exclaim.

The silver haired Russian chuckles, "Now remember this is only the short program. You still have the free skate."

I chuckle nervously, "Whoops... Well this is just... one of my best.!" I answer, with a blush.

Standing up, we head over to a bench to untie my skates off.

Once done, I stand up, "Here." Victor says, placing my jacket on my shoulders.

"Mizore...!" Someone yells through the crowd. I look up only to see a flash of pink before stumbling back.

I catch myself from falling before asking, "Lucy?"

She pulls back with a grin, "That was beautiful! What in the world happened earlier?"

I think back and awkwardly rub the back of my neck, "Ah, just some stuff. I guess?"

"Doesn't matter! You were amazing!" She replies with excitement.

The pinkette glances over to Victor before looking back at me and leans closer, "Also... i'm glad things worked out." She whispers.

My face turns red and Lucy laughs once she leans back.

"I'm counting on you, Nikiforov!" She exclaims to Victor and walk away toward her waiting coach.

I chuckle and look up staring into his deep blue eyes.

The Russian nods, causing his hair to fall over his eye, "You did very well, Mizore." He answers.

Smiling soft, I bow down a little, "Thank you... for everything."


"Victor?" I ask as I notice him standing outside his door.

He looks over, his eyes red and a little puffy. I frown quickly and walk over.

I reach up to swipe away a tear, "What happened? Why are you crying?" I ask, concerned.

Not saying a word, the Russian leans down, wrapping his arms around me, "I'm sorry."

My eyes widen in surprise, "Victor?"

My mind races with possibilities and I hold on to him, 'Is he leaving now?!'

"Vic - "

"Let's speak." I nod slowly as he lets go, letting me get my door open.

I follow the silver haired man over to the window, standing next to him in silence.

"Yuuri... is going to retire."

"Yuuri... retiring. He didn't?" I manage to say, tears gathering in my eyes.

I look back out the window, "What is you'll do?" I ask quietly.

Victor takes a moment to answer, choosing his words carefully, "Yuuri... wants me to go back..."

"He... told me yesterday night..."

"I'm not going to leave you!" He exclaims, turning to me.

I smile without looking at him, "Yuuri's right..."


I turn to him, a couple tears in my eyes, "You're meant to be on the ice Victor. So don't choose depending on me! You were meant to be Yuuri's coach only. I only followed. Whatever you decide should depend on Yuuri!"

We stare at each other, Victor in shock his mind blank with any valid answer.

I smile softly and turn back to the window, "But don't think i'll let Yuuri retire this easily."

Victor chuckles, causing me to glance over, "I hope so."

Sighing, I wrap my arms around the tall Russian, "Don't retire." He says quietly.

"I won't... not yet." I answer, looking up with a grin.


Hello minna~! Another chapter yet again! Not much to say, only that there are two more chapters left! Which is amazing but a little sad for me. 

I do also want to say that we hit 6.3k reads and over 200 votes which is amazing! And it shocks me that I would actually get to either of those numbers, so thank you! I glad people are reading it and like it although I have sucky writing...! 

Anyways, have a great day! Thank you for reading so far and I hope this chapter was good...!

Voting, commenting, and sharing helps out so much! And thank you to those who have been doing this.

- Author-chan

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