Moving In

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i really hate texas. especially in a heatwave, moving boxes. it sucks.

"mom! where are my headphones?" i yelled from my room not getting an answer back. "mom?" i yelled again

"dude shut the hell up she can't hear you go up to her or something" delilah said unpacking some clothes out of the box. i rolled my eyes and walked into my brothers room.

"sup" he said lying on his bed. "how are you already unpacked?" i questioned looking at all his posters on the wall. "i threw a lot of things away" he said reading his magazine. "do you know where my headphones are?" i asked "delilah being a bitch? or is she talking to much? or is she singing really loud like she was in the car?" he asked laughing and turning over to his side to grab something.

"i need noise she's actually being really quite" i said grabbing the headphones out of his hands. "huh, surprising." he muttered as i walked out. i put the headphones on and got to work.

"people always told me be careful what you do and don't go around breaking young-" i sang until i heard someone call my name. "have i ever told you your singing is amazing" delilah smiled. "what do you want lia?" i said taking my headphones off. "our neighbors are here and mom wants us to meet them." she said dragging me out of our room into our living room.

i saw two little kids, a teen, a gray haired lady, a fat guy and i really happy women.

"that girl is way to happy to be in this house" i whispered to my siblings making them laugh.

"kids this is the cooper family" my mom said looking at us. we all waved awkwardly.

"i'm mary, this is george my husband and my three kids are georgie, missy and sheldon. oh and this is my mom connie" she said as i looked at georgie. boy was his hair amazing.

"how rude i'm so sorry, they can be shy sometimes. kids introduce yourself please." my dad said as my mom gave us a look.

"i'm parker..." he said "the coolest" he whispered but i was to zoned out to notice. "i'm delilah but you can call me lia if you want" she smiled they waited a minute then looked at me. parker elbowed me. "ow what" i said holding my side. "introduce yourself dumbass" he whispered "don't call me that bitch." i said slapping his arm. my mom cleared her throat "we don't use that foul language in this house" she said giving us a 'i will talk to you later' look

"introduce your self so i can go to sleep" delilah said yawning "girl it's 3 p.m." i said "we've been in the car for five hours and i had to unpack and do my side of the room and then i had to listen to your horrible singing" she explained and i just rolled my eyes at her

"sorry guys i'm olivia but call me liv" i said smiling at them. lia left the room to sleep. me and parker went to sit down on the couch while everyone talked.

"so what grade are y'all in" georgie asked

"i'm a freshman" i said

"junior and lia is a sophomore" parker said

"hey we're in the same grade, if you want on the first day of school i can help you out" he said pointing at me. "i-uhm yeah that would be great actually" i smiled then the little girl came over to me.

"your like really pretty. can you teach me your ways? your hair is amazing." she rambled

"thank you! and when your allowed to wear makeup maybe i'll still be around and then i can help you." i smiled at her then she left

"if you think that was annoying wait until you hear my brother" georgie said "oh i don't want to" parker said.

-hours later-

"hey mary and george invited us over for dinner so you two get ready!" dad said walking in then walking out of the room. i ran to my vanity and did my makeup then put on some nice clothes and shoes. delilah did the same.

"ooo looking pretty for your new boyfriend" parker said laughing "wait is that my shirt? why did you cut it? ugh you owe me another shirt." he said

"he's not my boyfriend i've known him for 3 hours." i defended myself "yeah but you did stutter when you were around him so you like him" he said "no i don't parker shut up" i said to him as my mom walked into the room.

"why in gods name did you ruin a perfectly good shirt olivia jane adams." my mother said "it's cute momma, it's style plus i got this shirt for free and it's not showing anything! neither are my pants." i smiled and parker rolled his eyes at me. "delilah let's go! oh james honey grab the desert off the table" my mom said to my dad "but i have the beer" he said and i went to go grab it.

"at least delilah heard what i said about dressing nice" my mom muttered.

we walked to the coopers and luckily when we knocked on the door it was georgie and not anyone else.

"so have y'all lived in texas your whole life?" connie asked as she cut her meat up. "born and raised all of us. we came down from paris texas" my mom said

"there is absolutely nothing there besides the fake tower that is in paris" parker said with mouth full "ew" me and delilah said "maybe don't talk while your mouth is full disgusting" i whispered to him

"you mean the eiffel tower" sheldon said and parker just nodded.

"do you guys go to church? if so we'd love to have y'all in church with us tomorrow" mary smiled

"i've been looking for a good church, we will be there." mom said "what! no! i have to practice tomorrow i'm trying out for football and baseball this year mom, i gotta build more muscles" parker argued

"you can do that after church..your going" she said with a stern look on her face making me laugh at him. "what are you laughing at you don't like church" parker said "yeah but i like mom..and why are you acting like this in front of people we just's kinda rude" i said to him eating some mash potatoes.

"you know i'm a football coach?" george told parker and the three boys got into a deep conversation about football

"why didn't we have tater tot's tonight?" georgie asked "we had them last night" mary answered "i'd so rather have tater tots over mashed taters any day" he added

"tater tots are so much better than mash taters, but mrs cooper your mash taters are delicious" i said smiling at her "why thank you" she smiled

i could definitely see myself getting closer to them.

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