cheer tryouts and ABBA

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school is getting closer and closer to starting. today was cheer tryouts and my brother had football tryouts.

since we are both going to the same place georgie's dad offered to drive us. unfortunately his truck only had three seats so we were squished.

"dude stop elbowing me it hurts" i said to parker

"can you shut up i'm trying to get comfortable and it's hard with you in between me and georgie" he replied georgie and his dad were laughing at us.

"well you can get comfortable in the bed of the truck, maybe you'll fly out" i argued and he rolled his eyes.

"you know what i'm gonna throw you out of the car window. georgie help me" he said as he rolled the window down. he tried to pick me up by my hands and told georgie to grab my feet.

"your not throwing me out the window!" i said

"boys stop! don't throw her out the window" george said and the sighed and sat me down.

"thank you mr cooper." i smiled we started to talk about cheer and football mostly football.

"you better roll down the windows" georgie smirked and george groaned

"oh my god" i said plugging my nose and parker rolled the window down.

"georgie why don't you show her the gym and meet us down in the locker room." george said and me and georgie went into the school while the other two went the other way.

"i hope you make the team" georgie said "thanks, good luck with football" i said

once he left i went into the gym. luckily i saw alice and went over to her.

"i can't believe you got me to do this" she said "what if i make it ew" she added "if we both make it i'll be fine" she said

"come on let's practice" i laughed helping her up from the floor.

an hour later we were all done so we waited for the results.

"okay ladies i'm happy to say the cheerleaders for this year are... victoria brown , taylor grant..." she went on "alice jones and olivia adams" she said and me and alice high fived

we waited for the boys to get done with their tryouts.

"so liv? so alice?" we heard behind us making us jump. we turned around to parker and georgie

"so what" i asked as we both looked at them confused

"did you make the cheer team or not" my brother asked annoyed

"yeah we both did" i said earning a high-five from georgie

"do you have a ride home alice?" i asked and she said no. "georgie do you think alice could come i don't wanna leave her alone here" i said and he called his dad over.

"come on we can sit in the bed of the truck dad" he begged "fine but if you see a cop duck and don't look up until you think we've passed it" his dad said

"dude this is gonna be so much fun" parker said

we jumped into the bed and made jokes about flying out.

"okay so uhm let's play a game" i said

"bitch we are gonna die and you wanna play a game?" alice said

"we aren't gonna die, have you ever rode in the back of the truck before?" i laughed

"on the beach in florida" she said gripping onto the side of the truck. "it was so much less bumpy" she added and we all laughed at her

george slammed on the breaks causing me to slide forward into georgie. "i-uh-i'm s-so sorry" i said to georgie going back into my spot. "it's okay" he said and my brother laughed at me. i hit him in the head with the closest thing i saw.

"dude i'm gonna tell mom on you if you hit me one more time" parker said

"girl you know damn well mom isn't gonna believe your ass" i replied

"yeah because i'm not a master manipulator like you" he said rolling his eyes. the other two listen to us fight until we pulled up to the house.

"thank you mr cooper, bye guys!" i said to the two as the walked up to there house.

i quickly walked in and dragged alice into my room. luckily delilah wasn't home so we had the room to ourselves. we talked about boys,music,dogs and more boys.

"hey are you guys hungry?" parker asked as he walked in with georgie and missy behind him.

"actually yeah" we said at the same time. "whataburger? we're taking moms car" he said and we both got out of bed and quickly put shoes on.

"shotgun!" i said running out to the car.

"no i want shotgun!" georgie said running after me. we both raced to the car me getting there first but we still fought over it. "georgie get in the back you can ride in the front on the way home" parker said getting into the drivers seat.

"i don't want to be back here though" he complained

"if you complain one more time your not getting whataburger" i said turning around to look at him. "liv you sound like delilah and mom" parker laughed "shut up" i mumbled taking out a ABBA tape and putting it in the radio. me, alice and missy sang along to the songs, we were having fun i don't know about the boys but we were so that's all that mattered.

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