school clothes shopping

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mary had invited us to go school clothes shopping with them and my mom accepted. i don't know why cause she knows that we like to fight over clothes.

"okay please be on your best behavior and no fighting" she said before we got out of the car.

"oh liv is gonna be on her best behavior for her boyfriend" parker said "wait should i call you via instead" he added and delilah was laughing.

"shut up he's not my boyfriend he's a friend" i defend myself.

"georgie cooper? really?" my mom said

"he's not my boyfriend" i sighed, they all started talking about it. i rolled my eyes and tuned them out. i ended up falling asleep in the car while my mom drove.

"wake up whore" my brother said shaking me

"parker adams stop saying those words!" i heard my mom say.

"she got you" i mumbled getting up and fixing my hair. we got out of the car and walked into the store.

"damn girl what did you do last night?" missy asked me "missy cooper!" mary got on to her.

"i stayed up at night reading magazines and listening to music" i said to her and georgie looked at me. we've been sneaking out in to town and doing stuff ever since that first night we found each other outside.

"more like making out with your boyfriend" parker whispered for me to hear

"momma tell parker to stop" i said and parker rolled his eyes and mouthed something to me.

"parker leave your sister alone" she said looking through clothes.

we all looked around for an hour or two. i got my clothes and helped missy with her clothes.

"i can't believe sheldon is gonna be in the same grade as us" georgie said eating his food

"he's going to be in the same us?" i questioned him drinking my drink

"unfortunately, but we can just tune him out" he said

"hey can you help me do my makeup on the first day of school?" missy asked me

"aren't you in like 4th grade? and i don't think your mom would like that. maybe next year" i said to the girl. me and georgie stopped talking and ate our food.

"it's kinda sad we are going to school. i wish it could be summer forever" i said breaking the silence between me and georgie

"i wish we could be teenagers forever, sneakin' out , staying up late you know just killin' time" he said and i agreed

we eventually left and went back home. i put all my stuff up and got my supplies ready for school even though it started in 3 weeks.

"so how are you feeling about having to stop sneaking out at night" delilah asked

"i'll still do it i don't care" i shrugged and laid on my bed.

"no you won't cause every time you do sneak out it wakes me up" she said closing her book.

"maybe don't be such a light sleeper" i swift rolling over on my side and closing my eyes

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