football and dairy-queen

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i was standing next to alice and eleanor waiting to actually do something.

"why is it so hot?" eleanor asked "probably cause it's texas" alice said sarcastically

"hey what are y'all doin'?" georgie asked walking up to us. "waiting to be helpful" i said "are y'all at least excited to be here? you guys seriously look unhappy." he replied

"yay!" el said

"so excited" alice fakely smiled

"thrilled!" i said

"y'all are being sarcastic aren't y'all?" he asked and we all nodded. "good luck georgie, you've got this now please go get on that felid and do something good for our team" i said pushing him out onto the felid.

"i hate half time especially after we get off the felid, we got nothing to do" el said as our coach dismissed us.

"i'm going to sit with my family and georgies family" i said to them and they both looked at me. "wanna come?" i asked and they started following me.

"so why is your family sitting with georgies?" el asked "neighbors, our parents are practically best friends kinda scary" i answered

i saw them and tan up to them.

"hi guys" i smiled and they all said hello back

"you looked great out there sweetie" my mom said, they all started talking to us.

"hey if we win tonight's game we are gonna go get some dairy queen. you guys wanna go?" mary asked all of us. "mom can we please go" me and delilah said and she nodded her head yes. "do you guys wanna go?" i asked my two friends behind me "can we go ask my parents" alice said and i told my family i'd be back.

after running around and finding their family we finally had to go on the track.

after the game we met up with georgie parker and his dad on the track.

"we're going to dairy queen" i said

"who said?" georgie said

"a lot of moms and dads let's go" i said dragging him to our family's who were waiting.

once we arrived we decided what we want.

"georgie olivia, ice cream again?" the cashier asked us.

"actual food today" we replied and ordered, we decided to split up and have the kids and one table and adults at another but sheldon insisted to sit with the adults so he's not here.

"so the cashier knows about y'all two sneak out?" parker asked and my eyes widened. i slapped him on his shoulder.

"you sneak out?" missy said "that's so cool." she added

"how do y'all know about that?" georgie asked

"we kinda like saw her gone and saw her get back into the window and saw you so yeah" parker said slightly laughing. "sorry" i whispered to georgie. "it's fine" he said

we ate our food and talked about random things. we then got ice cream and then left.

"so liv, what's going on with you and georgie" my mom asked and i sighed and rolled my eyes "nothing we are friends and only friends." i said buckling my seat belt. "mhm" delilah said and i lightly smacked her thigh.

"oh well y'all look very close" my mom said and my dad just sat there listening to us

"yeah cause we are close friends" i said ending the conversation

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