Nearly Made a Doodie

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Yesterday after work, I got to the bus stop at 5:05 p

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Yesterday after work, I got to the bus stop at 5:05 p.m. But the driver walked to a nearby building in order to take a shit, so we all had to wait out in the cold while he evacuated his bowels. That's one good thing about kimchi. It keeps a person regular.

Anyway, we eventually departed at quarter-past five, and the journey was definitely a white-knuckle ride. The son of a bitch kept speeding through red lights like it was going out of style, and he almost clipped a pedestrian who made the mistake of stepping onto the road without looking both ways. Yes, the ordeal was quite harrowing. I nearly made a doodie in my pants.

I eventually arrived at my apartment at 5:45 p.m. and enjoyed a cigarette with a cup of tea. Then I walked across the street in order to buy donuts at the local market. The woman at the counter greeted me with a huge toothy grin and stroked the fur on my forearms as she gave me the change. This happens from time to time. Most Korean men are pretty much hairless, so the locals often get a kick out of rubbing a white man's pelt.

I called Rice-Boy Larry on my smartphone.

I said, "Where are you?"

"With my friends."

I took a puff from my Marlboro. "What time will you be home?"

"About ten or so."

"Ten? Seems a bit late." I inhaled some more smoke. "Is everything going OK in your life?"

"It seems to be."

"Good for you."

My son has a lot of friends. Back in the old days, racially mixed Koreans were often neglected or beaten. It was a big fucking deal not to be a purebred member of the tribe. But times have since changed for the better. None of his mates seem to care that he's half a Caucasian. Is he fully accepted as a citizen? Not on your life. Yet nobody punches him on the nose or kicks him in the balls. And I'm simply happy that he's happy. So who could ask for more?

Besides, I can be a bigoted bastard, too. Therefore, I try not to point out the speck in my brother's eye while I have a plank in my own. It's the least I can do.

Anyway, I made myself some Chinese dumplings and French fries for dinner. It was real easy to prepare because I used my trusty air fryer. Then I sat on the sofa and watched Wentworth on Netflix. I'm on season six, and a new inmate is causing all types of trouble. She used to own many brothels throughout Australia, and now she's smuggling drugs into the prison. Many of the other inmates know her well because they used to work for her as prostitutes. I'm a huge fan of Wentworth. I simply can't get enough.

At 9 p.m., I went to bed and slept like the dead.

The alarm sounded at 5 a.m., and I drank a cup of coffee. Then I read the headlines on my smartphone while taking a nasty dump. Hanyang University Medical Center completed a study about kids who use the internet too much. Those who were on it four or more hours a day had a higher rate of depression and suicidal ideation. I'm not surprised.

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