Chapter 3

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Alcina: Nova, I won't hurt you. It's okay.

Alcina slowly extended her hand out to Nova, who growled and glared, her hand pressed against her neck.

Alcina: Nova. It's okay. I won't hurt you. I just want to check your wound.

Nova didn't growl but her glare didn't go away, it was trained on Alcina. Under normal circumstances, it would've been funny to see such a small girl challenge the 9 foot 6 vampire but it was kind of scary, especially since Nova was acting on instinct and would more than likely attack if she felt threatened. Cassandra and Alcina knew this but Alcina still tried calming Nova down enough to look at her neck. Cassandra went to get Bela.

Alcina: Nova. Calm down. No one will hurt you.

Nova seemed to be questioning things, her eyes showed that. Her tail still didn't move and her ears stayed pressed down. She seemed distracted and Alcina took advantage of that, quickly picking Nova up and holding tightly. Nova growled and her sharp nails dug into Alcina's arm. She didn't bite, yet, but she would if necessary.

Alcina: Nova, you're hurt. Let me he-

Lady Dimitrescu cut herself off when she got a whiff of Nova's blood. Nova stopped growling for a second, noticing Lady Dimitrescu's eyes widening, her pupils becoming slits. Nova knew exactly what that meant and panicked.

Alcina: Nova...

Nova didn't have a choice so she used her nails to scratch Lady Dimitrescu's arm, making her let go. Nova landed on her feet, her tail between her legs, her ears pressed down. Her hand came away from her neck, her claws out. Lady Dimitrescu's eyes narrowed when she looked at Nova after looking at the scratch mark on her arm.

Alcina: Bad fox.

Nova growled, showing her sharp canines. Alcina slowly walked towards Nova, who backed up. Bela and Cassandra came back, which distracted Nova. Alcina extended her own claws, slashing at Nova, hitting her arm and abdomen. Nova winced but didn't cry out.

Bela: Nova!

Cassandra's eyes widened. Alcina and Nova were both acting on their primal instincts. Nova didn't try to fight back, just backing away. Bela and Cassandra got in front of Nova, holding their sickles, making Lady Dimitrescu's eyes widen, her claws retracting, her eyes showing regret.

Alcina: Nova...

Nova stayed quiet, keeping her eyes on Lady Dimitrescu. She was holding her stomach, which was bleeding. Her arm and neck were also bleeding, her neck's bleeding stopping a little. Bela turned to Nova, her golden eyes showing concern.

Bela: Are you okay, Nova?

Nova growled a final time before backing down a hall, her tail swaying as she walked, her ears still pressed down. Cassandra and Alcina watched with concern and regret. This wouldn't have happened had Cassandra not cut Nova. This wouldn't have happened had her father not sold her. This wouldn't have happened if she just didn't exist.

Nova was scarce the next few days. No one saw her. Bela had filled Daniela in on what had happened, Cassandra was searching for Nova with the help of the maids that Alcina ordered to help look for the fox girl. They had been listening for the bell but she had taken the collar off, leaving it on the floor by Bela's bedroom door.

Bela: Where is she?

Daniela: I don't know.

Cassandra: I haven't seen her. None of the maids have either.

Bela thought of something, something that worried her. 

Bela: What if she left? What if she left the castle? What if she's just out there bleeding to death?

Cassandra and Daniela looked at each other with concern and a new found worry. They hadn't thought of that.

Daniela: Oh, God. The lycans could've gotten to her.

Cassandra: Or the other creatures.

Bela immediately went to Lady Dimitrescu's chambers.

Bela: Mother.

Lady Dimitrescu was sitting at her vanity, on a call with Mother Miranda. She looked in the mirror at Bela.

Alcina: Yes?

Bela: We... What if Nova is outside? What if the lycans...

Lady Dimitrescu froze. Miranda had listened in and smirked to herself. She knew Nova was safe. Karl Heisenberg's lycans found her limping in the forest and had taken her back to the factory. She hadn't told Lady Dimitrescu this, and neither did Karl.

Alcina: Mother Miranda, I have to go. Something has come up.

Miranda: Of course.

Lady Dimitrescu set her phone back on its carrier and put her head in her hands. She knew Nova must've been terrified of them now, namely her and Cassandra.

Meanwhile with Nova. She was curled up on Karl's couch, wearing one of his old hoodies and a pair of black sweatpants. Sturm had stayed next to her the whole time. Karl was busy doing things around his factory, his lycans helping him. He came in to check on Nova, seeing her tail between her legs, her ears down. She was sleeping. He had bandaged her wounds, wrapping gauze around her abdomen, her arm, and around her neck. He sat on the couch next to her, looking down at her.

Karl: Has she moved at all?

Sturm, having no ability to speak, stayed silent.

Karl: Right.

Karl sighed. He knew Nova had come from the castle. He was angry with Alcina for hurting the fox girl so he left her in the dark about having retrieved her from the forest.

Karl: I swear. That super-sized bitch has no morals. No consideration for others. Her damn blood lust almost killed this girl.

Sturm's propellers spun slightly, not making any noise. Karl looked over at it then down at the sleeping Nova. He had decided he was going to keep her until she felt comfortable enough to go back to the castle, or send her to Donna because of how gentle the dollmaker was, despite how loud and obnoxious Angie was.

Karl: I'll send her to Donna.

Sturm's propellers spun again.

Karl: I know, I know. If Alcina finds out, she'd kill me. I don't care. I'm helping this girl because she needs it.

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