Chapter 20

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Nova and Cassandra gazed at each other. Their sexual tension was very clear, as was their general tension. Nova's lips parted a little as her gaze traveled down to Cassandra's lips. Cassandra's breath was soft but fast, making Nova breath a little faster. They were very close, closer than they've ever been.

Cassandra: Vulpe mica... you-

Nova cut her off by kissing her. Nova was sweet and gentle about it but it held passion and love. Nova held Cassandra's face in her hands, her ears perked up, her tail wagging. Cassandra took a second but kissed Nova back, her hands going down to Nova's waist. As much as Cassandra wanted to make the kiss passionate and heated, she kept in control for Nova's sake.

Cassandra: Mmm... Nova...

Cassandra pulled away from the kiss, keeping her face close to Nova's. Nova was breathing faster but softly. She kissed Cassandra again, quickly but affectionately. Cassandra chuckled softly, kissing the side of Nova's neck once.

Cassandra: Sweet fox.

Cassandra's tone was soft and loving, a complete contrast to her usual harsh and aggressive tone. Nova rested her head on Cassandra's chest, her eyes closed. Cassandra held her close, enjoying the sweet intimacy of the moment.

After that, Nova went back to walking. She was feeling happy, her tail wagging, her ears up. She would've been smiling but she wasn't that comfortable yet. She heard the sound of footsteps and looked back, expecting to see one of her mistresses. Her ears went down a little when she saw the blonde maid.

Her tone had bad intentions in it as she got closer to Nova. Nova backed away with each step she took, her ears and tail down.

Blonde: I don't get what they see in you. You're quiet, you're weird, you're a freak. Maybe they just pitied you and made you think they love you. Maybe they actually hate you and are only tolerating you because they find you amusing, thinking they love you. You're just a toy to them.

Nova had gotten used to the bad things people say about her but no one had ever brought her mistresses into it. She didn't give a reaction, just backed away. The blonde maid backed her into the wall, pinning her there.

Blonde: You really are a pitiful thing, Nova. I don't get why anyone would like you except for your looks. That's the only good thing you have going for you.

Nova didn't give any reaction. The maid leaned down closer to her face, making Nova straighten her back and press her head against the wall.

Blonde: I wonder how long it'll take them to realize you're nothing and just a placeholder for them until they find someone better.

Nova(in her head): What's her deal? What'd I do to her?

Blonde: I'd give it a few months at tops, and maybe a week at the least.

The maid then backed away from Nova and walked down the hall, leaving Nova to question everything and her worth to not only the castle, but to her mistresses.

Nova(in her head): Am I really just a placeholder? Do they... No. Bela and Cass kissed me and Dani... flirted with me.

Nova didn't move, her ears down, her tail between her legs, her eyes down. She wasn't usually affected by people telling her things like that but it made her question if she really meant something to her mistresses.

Nova(in her head): No. They... They do love me. They said they missed me, Cass apologized and kissed me, Dani nuzzled me, and Bela kissed me. They- They do, right?

Nova's hands shook as she ran one through her hair. Her ears were pinned down and her tail wasn't moving.

After a few more seconds of questioning herself, she started to walk back to her room. She was distracted and didn't see the maids giving her worried looks or hear the sound of buzzing. Nova was lifted into strong arms and she tensed.

Cassandra: What's wrong, vulpe mica?

Nova didn't do anything. She didn't even look at Cassandra. She kept her ears down and her tail didn't wag like it normally did. Cassandra carried her to her bedroom, laying the fox girl on her bed and cuddling her from behind, nuzzling her neck.

Cassandra: Vulpe mica, what's wrong?

Cassandra's voice was soft, quiet, and soothing. Nova didn't do or say anything. Her ears stayed down and her tail didn't move, just to curl up. Cassandra sighed softly and kissed Nova's jaw.

Cassandra: What's wrong, Nova?

Nova was trying not to cry. If what the maid said was true and they didn't really love her and she was just a placeholder, she shouldn't even waste her time trying to explain it. Cassandra started getting annoyed, giving a soft but annoyed sigh in Nova's neck.

Cassandra: Tell me what's wrong, Nova. Something is clearly wrong. Do you miss that stupid man? His family? The states? What is it?

Nova was doing her best to not cry. She kept herself calm by grabbing a pillow and pulling it to her chest, burying her face in it. Cassandra growled and got on top of Nova, forcing her on her back, pinning her to the bed. Nova's eyes widened, her ears going down.

Cassandra: I won't ask again. What's wrong?

Nova blushed and looked away, tears finally coming to her eyes. Cassandra's eyes softened and she leaned down to place a gentle kiss on Nova's lips.

Cassandra: Can you at least write down what happened?

Nova still had the pillow pulled to her chest. She was blushing a lot and her tail was just laying on the bed, her ears pressed down.

Cassandra: Please?

Nova closed her eyes and nodded. Cassandra's anger eased up and she kissed Nova again, not in a sensual way, in a way that was sweet and gentle.

Cassandra: Thank you, mica mea vulpe.

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