Ch. 2 *Threats*

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Well, he's been here for a week now, and so far...everything is okay.
A couple of demons have joined, but one of them already failed, which Alastor laughed about for hours.

Luckily, for me, I've been avoiding him, and he's been avoiding me.
I think...I hope...gah, whatever.

I go back to washing dishes. Turns out, this jerk just only wanted to help for his amusement.
Just to watch demons fall...

Just when I thought he wouldn't get any worse.
Jesus should learn by now. This is ALASTOR THE RADIO DEMON! He did not just get that title by scaring people with his smile.

I come across a seriously hard dish to clean, so I have to scrub for literally twenty minutes.
Only for someone who I DO NOT want to see walks into the room.

"Having trouble, my dear?"

I look over my shoulder to see his damn grinning face staring at me.
I groan, going back to my dishes, trying to ignore him, which DOESN'T work.

He only comes to my right side, leaning against the counter.

"Has this been your hiding spot all along?" he asks, at that point I finally snap.
I slam a knife down in between us, barely an inch away from his hand.

Kind of wish it hit his hand, but honestly, even though I'm higher ranked then Alastor—being Lucifer's daughter—I don't dare.

I get close to his face, and his smile only turns into a smirk from the sudden threat. He enjoys this. Great.

"Listen here you piece of shit," I growl, "everyone else may trust you. But not me. So don't try to get nice with me, or else I'll hurt you. Overlord or not, you do not scare me."

He chuckles under his breath, his eyes closed before he opens them, narrowing them at me as he leans in closer to my face.
"You dare threaten me?" he whispers as the room begins to darken. "You are playing with fire..."

"More like you are," I say back, not afraid of him. "Don't forget who I am, Radio Demon." I hiss, "I am the child of Lucifer. Which means that if you dare hurt me, or my sister, you will feel his wrath."

I don't particularly enjoy saying that, but when it comes to this grinning demon, I'll use that card. I don't want this man to think he can walk over me just because he can with everyone else.

He chuckles again. "Correct me if I'm wrong but, he doesn't SEE you as his child like he does with Charlie, does he?"

My eyes widen, as once again, I feel a stab in my heart from the reminder.
I back up away from him, going back to the dishes.

"Just leave me alone, please," I ask softly, but he doesn't listen.
"You are the missing piece of the puzzle, my dear," he states, twirling his staff. "And I do hate leaving things unfinished."
He smiles at me, and I cringe.

"What is with you and smiling?" I ask, and it only gets bigger.
"Mother used to say, the fastest way to a girl's heart is to be a gentleman and smile."


At that point, I shake my head and turn to leave.
"Well, your mother was an idiot." I state, going to the doorway before it suddenly slams shut in front of me.

I gasp, turning to see he snapped his fingers and summoned the door to shut.

The room darkens completely, only for me to see his glowing red eyes as he approaches me.
For the first time ever, I've felt pure fear wash over me.

He hovers over me, making me shrink down and curl into a tiny ball on the floor.

"You are lucky that I can't hurt you," he growls, his voice extra static. "Because if you weren't the child of Lucifer, you would experience REAL Hell." He leans down into my ear. "So I must warn you: Do. Not. Insult. My. Mother. Or me. And if you do...well," the lights come back on, and he smirks. "What you'll face will make you beg me for death. Are we understood, my dear?"

I'm completely shaken up, heart pounding out of my chest, as I nod.

"Good," he says before walking out of the door. "This was fun," he says, "come swing by for another chat sometime. I quite enjoyed it."

When I see he'a gone completely, I run out of the kitchen and into my bedroom, slamming and locking the door, before I fall to my knees.

Oh lord what did I just get myself into? Rumor has it, if you aren't his enemy, you'll be safe.
If you are...well...then I guess you'll be saying goodbye to your life when you least expect it.

Did I just cross that bridge?
Oh shit I hope not.

I stay locked up in my room for an hour, before Angel comes and drags me back outside because he needs to vent about what happened between his and Vaggie a few moments ago.

When I then ask if he can take me to a bar, he gladly excepts.

I need a few drinks after what happened in the kitchen....

My Demon Belle (Alastor love story) ✓ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now