Ch. 18 *Little Chat*

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*Two Days Later*

She hasn't woken up once. She just sleeps...her breathing slowing, before raising, and slowing again.

She's on the brick of death.

Charlie has been glued to her side the entire time, silently praying, doing everything in her power to try and heal her.
But...nothing works.

"I don't know what else to do," Charlie whispers after another failed attempt to try and heal her. "I've everything I could but...she won't wake up."

I furrow my brow, raising a hand to my chin, deep in thought.
"Charlie, my dear, does your father have healing abilities?"

She looks at me in absolute shock. "No, no we can't do that."
"My dad is dangerous monster, we can't allow him to see her!"

"But he is Melanie's father," I point out.
Yes, I know that there history was never good. Deep down, I want to smack Lucifer for all he's done to ever make Melanie feel like she's not good enough.

But...what if he's her only chance?
He's the most powerful demon of us all, he must know something.

I stand up.
"Alastor?" Charlie asks nervously.

I don't respond, I walk out of the room.
"Alastor don't!" Charlie runs after me, "we can try something else!"

"We have tried everything," I point out calmly, "if there is a possible chance of Lucifer saving Melanie, I'll take it."

And then I snap my fingers and teleport out of the hotel.


I arrive at the front of the castle doors of Lucifer and Lillith's home, and of course, any guards who see me immediately run to me.

"Halt!" they shout, pointing there spears at me as if I'm a threat.
Well...truth be told, I'm always a threat.

I smile. "Gentleman, I request an audience with his majesty, Lucifer. It regards the matter of one of his daughters."

There eyes widen, and one whispers to another to go check with Lucifer first.
He immediately runs off, leaving me standing there at spear point.

Thankfully, before I decide to have some fun by torturing these guards, I'm allowed inside the grand castle throne room, where an even grander Lucifer sits on his obsidian throne.

I bow. "Greetings, your majesty, King of all demons and Hell," I stand up straight. "I trust you've been well?"

He frowns at me. "What do you want?" he asks in a low voice.
I step closer to him. "I regret to inform you, that something terrible has happened to your daughter."

Before I can even finish my sentence, he flies out of his chair and towards me, slamming me against a wall with the look of death in his eyes.
"If you touched one hair on Charlie's head, I will chop off your grinning face and display it on a stake for decoration!"

"I assure you, no harm has fallen upon Charlie," I reply calming, "but instead, your daughter Melanie."

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