Ch. 14 *Broken*

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*Few Days Later*

I've been a complete mess ever since that night.
I've barely eaten, all I do is lock myself in my room and sob. How could this hurt so bad? Why does it feel like a piece of me was stolen?

...because truly, it was.
He swooned me, only then to rip my heart out and watch me bleed.

You sick, evil, man...

I hear a knock on the door, not in a musical manner, but a faint knock. Though I wish it was in a musical manner, knowing only Alastor does that...

I wipe my eyes. "C-come in," I mumble.

The door opens, and in steps Charlie.
"Hi Mel," she shuts the door behind me, gently approaching me as she sits on my bed. "Are you okay?"

I scoff. Such a ridiculous thing to ask.
Why do people ask if someone's okay even though they can CLEARLY see there not?!

"No," I croak, pulling my knees closer to my face.
Charlie puts a hand on my back. "Oh'll be alright."
"No it won't," I shrug away from her, tears streaming down my face. "I loved him. I STILL love him...only for him to do THAT?!"

She hugs me, running a hand up and down my back as I sob in her shoulder.
I can sense that she wants to say 'I told you so' but I don't think I can handle that truth right now.

"I'll never leave this hotel again," I whisper, squeezing Charlie tightly.
"Yes you will," she replies, pulling away, "just give it some time. You'll meet someone else, fall in love, and have your happily ever after."

At this point...I don't even think I'll ever get my happily ever after.
At this point, I'm willing to just be erased from existence one would miss me.

I exhale a breath, turning away from Charlie. "Can I be alone, please?" I whisper.
She raises her hand to touch me again, to continue to try and comfort me, before sighing and standing up.

"Okay, but know I'm always here for you Mel. If you ever need to talk, or need a shoulder to cry on, I will be there. I know what its like to feel heartbreak."

"Just go away, please," I say through clenched teeth.
She THINKS she knows heartbreak, but deep down, she doesn't.
She was always the loved, spoiled child. The most praised, Hell's pride and joy.
She's gotten everything she's ever wanted in life, and me?

I've had to fight for the little things.
And when I believe that something good happened in my life, something I could call mine, was ripped away from me.

I curl onto my side, when a little spotted piggy gets on my bed, sniffing my face as it oinks, before it curls up beside me and lays down.
Angel's way of comforting me.
He's never experienced real love, so he doesn't know what to say and what not, so he did the only thing he thought he could.

He's letting me borrow his pet pig, Fat Nugget, as a comfort therapy.
I wrap my arms around the little piggy, and hug him, still crying.

I don't deserve anything good...


I sit on my bed, sighing as I reread a page I've been to lazy to flip for an hour.
I thought a little music, a good gory book, and some alone time would help ease my heart...

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