Ch. 13 *Unable To Love*

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*One Month Later*


I hum softly under my breath, fiddling around my feet while reading a book before I hear my door get knocked in a musical manner.

I smile, get up in an instant and rush to open the door.
Alastor stands outside.
"Al!" I reach out and hug him, which he flinches from, but he taps my back lovingly after a minute.

Even though we've been seeing each other for over a month, he's still pretty...touch savy. But at least he allows me to touch him...

I pull away and kiss his cheek lightly, taking his hands in mine and swinging them.
"Soooooo where are we going to go tonight?" I ask, "Paris?"

He promised me he'd take me someplace tonight, and since its nearing our two month anniversary since the night we we were in Paris last...its the perfect place to go.

He grins. "For you, I would go to Heaven itself just to see your smile."

I shut my eyes, and when I open them, I see I'm standing in the same spot where we were all those weeks ago.
On the little grass hill that overlooks Paris.

A gentle wind blows through my hair as I turn to smile at him.
He stands a ways behind me, but with no smile on his face.

My smile falls. "Alastor?" I approach him, "are you okay?"

He doesn't respond.
"My dear," I cup his face with one hand, turning his face so that I can see what's wrong in his eyes.
Though its a challenge to read him...he hides so well with his mask.

He takes my hand, kisses it, before lowering it to the space between us.
My heart pounds a little. "A-Al?"

Before I can say anything else, he kisses me, cupping my face in his hands.
Not a hard kiss, but a soft...gentle peck, that lasts for merely three seconds, before he pulls away, lingering near my face.

Worry fills my chest.
This doesn't feel right.


"I'm so sorry, Melanie," he lets me go and takes a step back.
"Wh-why? What's wrong?" I try to approach him, but he only backs away from me further. "Whatever is wrong, we can fix it together."

"No...we cannot." He looks down at the ground, his red and black hair blowing in the wind.
My heart is pounding. He won't give me a straight answer, he's talking in circles.

"Alastor...please tell me what's wrong," I whisper.
Only to regret my words when I hear what he says next.

"This is wrong," he points at me and him, "this should have never happened in the beginning."

"What?" I say shakily, "why would you say that?!"
He sighs softly. "Do you even know who I am?" he asks. "I'm the Radio Demon. The highest overlord of Hell. I've worked centuries to get to where I am today, feared and respected. If demons were to find out about you-" he stops abruptly, choosing his words carefully.

Though it still smacks me in the face, and stabs me in the heart.

Finally, his crimson eyes meet mine as he says these final words to destroy my world completely.

"I can't allow this to gone on any longer."

I can't even breathe.
He's throwing me away, for the sake of his ego and pride?! His IMAGE?!

I clench my hands into fists, breathing heavily before I lash out and push him aggressively.
"You selfish son of a bitch!" I scream, "you would throw me away just for your greed for power?!" Tears fall from my face. "How could you do this? How could you be so-"

"Evil?" he finishes for me.
I don't respond.

He sighs, hands behind his back as he simply stands there, refusing to meet my gaze.
"I knew that I sold my soul to Hell when I committed my first murder when I was alive. It was something I was willing to do, just to feel that I could be something more then a man with a radio station. I wanted to BE something, and in Hell, it happened! I became who I am now," he points at himself, "and I do not want to lose it."

"But you'll lose me?" I whisper, my voice cracking.
He takes a step closer to me.

"Please, Melanie. Don't make this harder on the both of us..."
I start to shake my head. "No, no no no!"


"You were the only good thing that's ever happened to me!" I shout, "you made me feel appreciated and alive! You made me feel like there's good in Hell!" I start to shake. "You...were the only good thing In Hell."

He stares at me in silence. No cocky grin, or softened smile.
Just...sadness. Something I've never seen him wear before...

"Nothing good resides in Hell. And the furthest thing from good."

I don't respond, I only stand there, crying, eyes glued shut.
"Take me back. Right now," I say through clenched teeth.

I hear him sigh, before I feel his hand touch mine.

When I open my eyes again, I'm back in my room in Hazbin Hotel.
But gone.
He's gone for good...

I fall onto my knees, sobbing in my hands, hoping that something will swallow me whole.
I just lost the only thing worth living for...

All for his damn image to Hell.
Oh god I'm such a fool...

I should've known this. Alastor will forever be unable to love. He sold that side of him away when he got a taste of undeniable power...

Like a real monster.
Like who the Radio Demon truly is.

There's two sides of him.
The first, is the singing, dancing, kind, helpful Alastor. The one I fell in love with.
The second, is the heartless, cold blooded, murderer, the Radio Demon.

And in the end...the Radio Demon side won.

I grab the necklace from my neck, ripping it off before I throw it out the window, collapsing onto my bed, burying my face in my pillow as I cry.

You evil, cruel, monster...


I sit with my back against the wall, and hand covering my eyes.
I can't get the image of Melanie's face, her tears, her pain, out of my head.

I sigh, lowering my hand.
For the first time ever...something in me broke, when I saw her crying.

And I was the cause of her pain.

I bury my face in my knees.
Now I've felt all the pain in the world, and the worst kind of all...
is the loss of love.

Something I never thought I'd feel, until I met Melanie.
How could one girl make me feel like this?

For the first time since the death of my mother, I...cry.
The most painful moment, when I walked away, and Melanie let me go...

Its over now, for me.
Anything good that could've happened, I threw it away.
To remain, the powerful, feared, Radio Demon.

I only wish I felt like it was worth it.
Instead, I feel like I've made a terrible, grave, mistake.

My Demon Belle (Alastor love story) ✓ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now