Ch. 20 *From Now, Till The End Of Hell*

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*One Year Later*

Its shocking really, how fast time is flying.

Its been two years since the opening of Hazbin Hotel, and in those two years we've had over four hundred demons redeem themselves.
Not too big of a number, but its better then nothing.

There's never a day where Charlie isn't busy, with one hand she runs the hotel, and the other, she's near the age to be crowned queen of Hell.
But through everything, I stand by her and help her with whatever she needs.

Vaggie has been busy to with the hotel, too, plus some other things too. She decided to train demons how to fight with a spear and honestly, I never knew she was that good at it.

I've been to her classes a few times here and there, and there isn't a time where I don't enjoy it.

I've built a healthy father/daughter relationship with my dad, Lucifer. Though I still have some past trauma and scars, we're slowly working through it, and I couldn't be happier.

Angel has been doing well, too. Ever since Alastor had..."handled" Valentino, Angel has been free to be and do whatever he wants.
Not under the thumb of Valentino.

So lately, Angel's been chipping in with the hotel, and spending some fun time with Cherri Bomb.
Yeah, Angel never plans on redeeming himself, but he's a little bit cleaner then he was before.

And Alastor...well...

"Good evening my ladies and gents! Our next song is quite special to me, for I had written it for a special young demoness who holds a place in my heart. Melanie my dear, this is for you...Happy Anniversary."

I smile and blush, turning up my radio to listen to Alastor's sweet, beautiful voice sing a song he's written just for me for our Anniversary.

One year we've been together officially.
Though we haven't tied the knot. Not yet.
And to be honest, I don't know if we will.

No doubt, I'm lucky enough to call him my boyfriend.
But to say that I'm his WIFE...
That's a whole other level.

One that I don't know if we'll come too.
But! None the less! I'm happy the way we are. I'll always be happy the way we are.

*That night*

I hear the door shut and click, before I hear the static voice fill the air.

"Melanie darling! I'm hoooommmeee! I brought dinner!"
He says in a sing song way, smiling when he sees me run down the stairs of his house and greet him with a hug.

"Hello hun!" I kiss him softly, "how was your day at the broadcasting tower?"
"Quite well, my dear," he takes his coat off before handing me roses that he had hidden behind his back. "Happy Anniversary, darling."

"Aww," I kiss him again, "happy anniversary, Alastor."
He smiles softly, before taking my hand as we walk up the steps to the dining room.

"So what did you get for dinner?" I ask.
"I thought a nice venison roast with some wine would be a good treat, don't you think?"

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