Ch. 10 *Under The Stars In Paris*

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Alastor is laughing beside me, but I'm completely dumbfounded at the mere sight of this place.
Of this...Paris!

I stand up and approach the edge of the hill we're on, reaching out to see if I can touch a single light out of the thousands there.

I look behind me at Alastor.
"This is incredible!" I say.
He laughs. "My dear, you haven't even seen what lies inside that city." He out-stretches his hand again, and I take it, before everything goes black again.


This time, when I open my eyes, I see we're inside a GORGEOUS stone building, decorated by stone carving, with HUNDREDS of paintings everywhere on the walls, AND a smooth polished floor under our feet.

I gasp slightly, and my voice echoes.

" this?" I ask, doing one slow circle to examine every little detail of the most beautiful place I've ever seen.

"This is the Lourve, my friend! One of Paris's finest art museums!"

"Your a fan of art?" I ask, and he grins.
"I am a man of class, sweetheart. I enjoy many things, art, delicacy foods, and the death of humans," he winks at me, and I laugh before I feel his arm sneak around mine.

"Come along now! Let's see what Paris has to offer!"
We begin our walk around this museum, and me, not knowing a damn thing, I ask him question after question, which he gladly answers.

"What's that painting over there?" I ask, pointing at a painting of a woman with dark hair after about twenty minutes in our walk.

"Ah! That is the Mona Lisa. A masterpiece created in the year of 1503 by a man named Leonardo Da Vince."

"You certainly know a lot about art," I compliment, "I never thought of you as someone interested in such things."
He grins. "I've been in every part of this realm, darling. From my travels, I have picked up a thing or two here or there. And I must confess, these mortals certainly have a FASCINATING history."

I barely even know anything about humans, but I can't help but agree with him, learning all the little details that's Alastor is giving me from his knowledge.
His smile widens. "Oh! Come here!" he rushes me into a place where statues reside.

And once again, my mind is blown by every history fact Alastor is giving me...


We've wandered tons of art museums, and at one point, I ask if humans could see us.

He only laughed. "As much fun as that would be, they cannot. Not until I allow it to be so."

After about two hours, he decides to go steal two wine glasses and a bottle of the OLDEST wine I've ever seen.
When I asked if it was still drinkable, he replied saying yes, and that I was adorable.

The word adorable made me blush furiously, and I hope he couldn't have seen it.

At one point, he leads me to the giant metal tower that sticks out in the middle of this grand city.
"What's that?" I ask, feeling a little nervous standing by it, and feeling incredible small.

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