(Spin Off #5)

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pairing: Angel Dust x Husker x seven year old Evangeline

*summary: Angel Dust and Husker are assigned to baby sit Evangeline, but what were to happen if she went missing?*


Evangeline sits on me and Alastor's bed, watching as I clip on my final golden earring, and wear a black dress with a white foxes fur placed on my shoulders.

"Where you going, mama?" she asks, her voice slightly high pitched and absolutely adorable.
I spray on some imported perfume from the human world. "Mama and papa are going out for the evening," I set the bottle down and turn towards her.

Her face lights up. "Oh boy! Can I come?!"
I shake my head, and immediately, her happy expression falls, replaced by a saddened one.


"Because," I kneel in front of her, my hands on her little knees. "Mama and papa are going out on a date for the first time in seven years."

Seven years...insane isn't it?
After we had Eva, we decided to dedicate our sole time and attention to raising her. Now that she's seven, we feel as if its time to take a break and have a date night.

She however...does not like that idea.

She hugs me tightly, whimpering and crying softly.
"I want to go mama! I want to go!"

"Melanie, darling, are you ready?" Alastor comes into the room, dressed in a fine red suit and bow tie with a black top hat.
I glance up at him, still holding a saddened Eva.

Alastor exhales a breath. "Oh dear..."

"Should we even do this?" I stand up, bringing Eva up with me. "I mean, maybe we can try when she's ten?"

Alastor laughs. "Goodness no darling. Now is the perfect time for Evangeline to understand that adults have lives too."

"Al," I say, annoyed at his choice of words before glancing down at Eva's reddened face.
Alastor raises his hand to touch hers. "Now Eva, don't fret. Mother and father won't be gone for long. Merely a couple of hours."

"Plus Angel and Husker are coming to spend time with you while mom and dad are away," I force a smile before whispering, "why in the world would you want someone like Husker watching Evangeline?"

Someone like HUSKER...never a time where he DOESN'T have a bottle in his hand, gambles and cheats, is vulgar.
I wouldn't be surprised to come back home and see Evangeline serving cocktails with a cigarette in her mouth while Husker plays poker with demon trash.

Alastor smirks. "Why in the world would you want someone like Angel Dust watching Evangeline?"

I open my mouth to protest, before I the doorbell ring downstairs. 
"Oh! That's them," I set Eva down. "Coming!"

I run downstairs, while Alastor scoops Eva off the ground and holds her, smiling softly.
"Be a dear and...cause some trouble for our friend, Angel, hmm? Its five dollars to you if you do so," he teases, before giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and going downstairs, only to be greeted by the sight of a half sober Husker, a flirty Angel Dust, and me fretting.

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