Ch. 16 *The Fear Of Losing You*

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I sit in the corner of a dark, cold, metal room, holding myself in a tight ball. Bruises and cuts are all over my back, my shirt ripped to pieces and barely covering any part of my top half.

Blood drips on the floor.
They beat me for an hour, laughing, cutting me...
I bury my face in my knees.

I don't even know if its nighttime or morning...all I know is that if nobody comes for me soon, something awful will become of me.
Originally, they thought I was Charlie. There grand idea was if they held Charlie hostage, Lucifer would come and pay them millions of dollars to get her back.

When they realized it was me, though, plans changed.
They know nobody would come for me.
So instead, they've been having there fun with me, and once they'll get bored, they'll either kill me, or sell me off to other demons for them to have there fun.

I squeeze myself tighter, tears streaming down my face.
"Please..." I whisper, "please someone find me..."
I don't want to die. Not here. Not like this...

I want to spend my days with my sister, helping her with whatever she ever needs.
I want to hang out with Angel, tease him and play with his little piggy Nuggs.

I want to see Alastor...
I want to hug him, kiss him, tell him that I love him.
Though he doesn't want to hear it.

The door to my room opens, and I see Valentino standing there.
"Hey beautiful," he smirks, "I'm letting you out of your cage."

Fear floods my chest. "No, no no please. Please!"
I cry out in pain as he drags me by my hair across the floor.

The door slams shut, and I'm dragged into another room, where I'm once again, tortured for fun.


After hours of my shadow searching, he came back unsuccessful.
There's only one thing left to do.

I slam the doors open to the hotel, alerting Vaggie and Charlie and Angel who stand in the main hall.
Charlie gasps. "Alastor! What are you doing here?"

"I need your help," I say, approaching them all. "Has anyone heard anything about Melanie's whereabouts?"
Vaggie shakes her head. "Nothing yet."

"Its pretty obvious where she is," Angel is shaking, but he tries to hide it. is pretty obvious now.

I inhale a breath. "Angel? Do you know where Valentino resides?"
Angel nods. "Yeah, on the other side of Hell. The dark side," his eyes widen, "what...are you thinking?"

I chuckle low under my breath, smiling from ear to ear.
"I have room for one more...extinction." I turn and walk out of the door, only for Angel, Charlie, and Vaggie to follow.

I will not allow any demon to hurt Melanie.
I won't lose her, not again.

Not now, nor ever again.
As Hell is my witness, I will kill anyone who stands between me and Melanie.

Because now, the truth has never been more clear.

Melanie is mine, and mine alone.
I love her more then anything I've ever loved before.
And whatever the Radio Demon wants, the Radio Demon takes.

I inhale a breath, and say in my head:
"Please wait just a little while more, my sweet love. I'll save you. And I will never, ever, push you away again."

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