CHAPTER 22: the gathering

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I was having a blast at work ever since lyka joined in as my assistant. As i told, i didn't have any recent book releases scheduled so she didn't have much work. We would just sit in my cabin and talk about anything and everything in this world. Or rather she spoke and i sat there listening to whatever she spoke. 

She's completely different to what i thought she was at the beginning. She looked very silent at the start but if she gets comfortable with someone then she can keep talking non stop. Not that i am complaining. Listening to her talks was probably the best thing i've ever experienced in life.

My mornings started with the coffee she used to get for us while coming to the office. Could there be any better way to start my day? Nope. I don't think so. Though i told her she didn't have to do it she insisted on doing it. "I anyways don't do much in the office, let me bring the coffee atleast." her exact words. But now i was loving the idea. She would bring coffee every morning, we would have it together while talking and then i would just give her some work of sorting out drafts according to their alphabetical order or something similar. Then we would have lunch together and eventually head home after some time.

She apparently told me, aayat, who's my sis in law and her best friend or rather what they call each other, soulmates is a very huge fan of mine. Point to be noted. Nice way to blackmail asim in future. Lyka likes reading books too but she hasn't explored much. Now that she's with me, Of course as an assistant i mean, she's going to explore more of the literary world. Now that i think about it, I would like her input in my new novel. I want to see what ideas she can come up with. Another new topic to discuss.

I've been waiting for her today to appear with a coffee and that dazzling smile of hers. Also because i have something important to discuss with her. Ahh here she comes.

LYKA: good morning!

SATHYA: morning!!

LYKA: here's your black coffee with no sugar. Sometimes i wonder, how can a person so sweet like you prefer something like this?

SATHYA: you think i am sweet?

LYKA: no, i think your choice of coffee is gross!

My jaw dropped to the floor. Yeah this is how she's sometimes. Complete savage. She says its sis in law's training. Asim bro... you're going to have a tough time.

LYKA: i was joking! now close your mouth. she said while laughing.

SATHYA: yeah sure.

LYKA: so what work do you have for me today?

SATHYA: nothing much in the office, But are you free in the evening today?

LYKA: yeah but why?

SATHYA: there's this gathering of authors where i've been invited and i need to take a plus one with me. Will you go with me?

LYKA: will all the renowned authors be there? she asked nervously

SATHYA: yeah but there's nothing to be nervous about. You just have to be with me and smile. 

LYKA: at the other authors?

SATHYA: no, at me.

LYKA: huh?

SATHYA: just kidding. yes you just have to smile and say hi. If you're comfortable enough then just shake their hand if they forward it. You have the full right to refuse it if you're not comfortable.

LYKA: ahh that's not much of a problem then i guess.

SATHYA: yeah. So.. will you go with me?

she gave me a bright smile while nodding her head.

LYKA: sure..!

SATHYA: perfect!

This gathering has always been a nightmare for me. I get so bored with no interesting people around. Now that i have a good company this year. It might be a bit different this time. After all these years, this is the first time i am looking forward to an event.

LYKA: oh, by the way, is there any specific dress code as such?

SATHYA: nope, nothing specific, just let not be too casual neither too formal. Something comfortable. I'll pick you up at 6:00 in the evening by the way. You can leave early today.

She gave me a thumbs up and went out of the cabin.

Time skip

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