CHAPTER 45: The distance hurts but is inevitable

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It's been a week to that incident, when I decided to leave his life for good. I won't lie but it hurts. It hurts a lot. He was that one person who used to make me feel loved and wanted no matter what the situation was and now, he was the reason of my current condition. I've locked myself in my room and all I do is study, sleep, eat when my mom forces me to and repeat. I don't want to think about that incident as my heart can't take the pain. Every morning I wake up only to realize that I won't be seeing him and every night I sleep with anticipation, with a hope that he might call me to apologize. But, every single night, that hope in me dies and I sleep with a broken hurt heart, and tears flowing from my eyes, trying to sooth my pain but get failed terribly.

As this one week passed... The hope inside me has reduced. And I know, as time passes by, it will almost become nil and I won't be the same person anymore. I might try to move on but I don't know to what extent will I be successful in that, and even if I do move on, I don't know if I will ever be able to accept any other guy which is not him. And even if I accept, I don't know till what extent will I be able to trust him with my heart. Because I gave my heart to someone whom I trusted with the hope that he would never break it and cherish it, but he returned it to me, all broken in pieces beyond repair.

I didn't tell this to any of my friends, not even aayat because as she had told me last time, things between her and her husband are highly progressive these days and I don't want to snatch away her time with her husband and make her worried. Her marriage was a total shocker for all of us and the the little stunt her husband pulled of on the wedding night had left all of us devastated, but now, by the look of it, I can tell he's trying to repent. He's trying to win her heart and is putting all his effort in this relationship. Not like us, where one of us had the courage to take the next step, and the other just shut it down. I would lie if I tell I wasn't jealous of my friends' current love life, I was teeny tiny bit jealous, but more than jealous, I felt bad. I have these thoughts running in my mind that I might not be good enough and that's the reason why he chose not to be with me. But I decided not to let my thoughts over power me. I knew that people who love me, they truly love me with no questions and no filters. I had my mom, my friends and my cute and naughty little pets here. That much of love was enough for me to survive, enough for me to make me work hard on myself to become a better person, and not for someone who didn't want me in their life, for myself and for the people who genuinely loved me.

I had my design exam in just 3 days and I knew I had to pass it..! I wanted to pursue my dream and become successful, I might be a bit late in starting to work towards my goal but now that I had begun, no one in this world could stop me. I know that I want it, and I know that I will get it no matter what comes in my way.

I had a scheduled video call with my two little crazy friends aayat and aditi, and samaira my girl, she's always busy with something or the other so yeah, she wasn't going to be there in the call. We all had this urgent video call meeting because.. WE NEEDED DETAILS!
This bish, our so called friend aditi, who once claimed she would never ever fall in love, gave a dramatic flash mob confession show and now there was no way we were going to miss the details. And with the short and sweet text exchange I had with aayat, looks like she has a confession scene to describe as well. Well.. Yeah I was going to tell them about this little encounter I had with sathya, but not now. Maybe sometime in future.

I was lost in those thoughts when My laptop indicated a call request, Okay now time to get ready with pop corn.

I quickly accepted the call, and their excited happy faces filled the screen, I tried to match my enthusiasm with their but you know, faking has a limit to it.

AAYAT: you little bitch you going out there and giving full filmy flash mob confessions after declaring me insane for beaming at the confessions in my novels??! I will take care of you once I come there..! for now-

LYKA: blurt the details..! RIGHT NOW..!

AAYAT: exactly! see my soulmate knows how to complete my sentence..!

LYKA: you miss.. though yours wasn't that unexpected, but I expect details from you too.

Her face turned instantly red and a shy smile took over her face. Aww my strong little delusional girl. I was too happy for her.

AAYAT: I'll be more than glad to give ya'll details.

ADITI: okay okay but me first.

LYKA: go on my girl.

With that she started explaining how she went out of the box completely to confess to the love of her life and I'll really have to praise her for this. She mustered up the courage to confess her feelings in front of the whole university, and involved them as well. way to go shortyy!!

ADITI: ......and then, we spent time with those kids at the tent and went back home.

AAYAT: pheww and you called me naive for reading novels. What you did was nothing less than a delusional set up.

ADITI: well, you see, love makes you do things you thought you would never even do in your dreams.

LYKA: Damn I never thought I would get to listen to this from you.

ADITI: ok so now, enough from me. Aayat madam, continue with yours. I want to know how romantic your husband has become under your influence.

AAYAT: okayy.. so ughh we were all enjoying the picnic and then suddenly aliya and di pulled me in a cab and took me to a hotel.....

And then, she narrated how her dream confession took place. With the dream outfit, designed by a certain someone, and the lighted pathway to a beautifully decorated garden. The love letters and the classic one knee proposal to get married once again??? Only people with no heart might not like that.

ADITI: eeeeeehhhh!! girl your man is straight out of your romance novels!! damn I can't believe its the same person who once had that permanent frown on his face.

AAYAT: well, he still has that, but he can't frown on me hehe.

LYKA: ok.. and then next??

There's no way they just stopped at the proposal and the dinner. I knew my soulmate too well to let go.

AAYAT: umm... we kissed, ugh.. made out maybe?? *shy and nervous*

LYKA: wait what?! and you weren't going to tell us this??

AAYAT: umm.. I was shy you know..

LYKA: yeah sure.. right aditi? huh aditi? why do you look so nervous?? don't even tell me-

ADITI: trust me it was just one kiss..!

There was complete silence.. and then a loud shreak was heard from mine and aayat's side at the same time.

AAYAT: you kissed???!!! like the aditi kissed???!!! how the hell did this even happen???!!

We were all very lost in the moment when I heard ping from my phone. I couldn't help but pick it up to check hoping it was from him, but what I saw next made my heart sink into my stomach.

AAYAT: yo yo girl where did the color from your face fly away huh?

LYKA: my entrance exam for design got preponed.. its tomorrow now. And the results will be announced next week.

AAYAT: whatt??! its ok! its ok! don't panic!! I know you can do it!! you've prepared enough and you'll nail it!

ADITI: yess!! now just revise for sometime and rest. Tomorrow is a big day for you. We'll hang up now.

With that, they cut the call. And I was left all alone to panic.

LYKA: ok lyka! you've prepared enough..! you'll do well..! calm down!

I tried to comfort myself and sat down to revise. I studied for a few more hours and then decided to end the day.

My future depends on tomorrow and I am not letting anyone spoil it.



It's been one week since I wrote the exam and it went pretty well. I didn't expect to do this well and I was beaming ever since the day of the exam. And now. having the result to be announced tomorrow. I can't help but to panic. It's ok. I'll get what I deserve.

With that, I tried to calm myself and slept with the thought of him. No matter what I say, He had a major part in this. And I was looking forward to face it all with him. But looks like destiny had other plans.

I wish you were here sathya, but I guess the distance is inevitable even if it hurts.



To describe my condition ever since that incident, only one word fit most accurately, and that was 'devastated'. I realized how much I needed her in my life to live. Till the day she entered my life, I was merely surviving, just because I had to. But when she entered, I had the desire of living life, of experiencing all good things and bad things the life had to offer. I wanted to do all of that, but with her on my side. Now that I've lost her, I've lost my urge to live as well and I've return back to mere surviving.

I sent her away, and now, I didn't have the courage to go to her and gain her confidence and love again.

I knew the days after our split, if you consider that as one, were difficult for her. She had her entrance exam approaching and I wasn't there by her side like I had promised and I hated myself for that. I wanted to be there but I couldn't and the reason behind this was none other than me.

I told all of this to asim, and all he said was that he was disappointed in me. Well, I was disappointed in myself as well. I requested him to keep giving me updates about her as his wife was her best friend but all I got to know was, they weren't talking much since asim and aayat were in their native and were busy. He told me there wasn't anything significant that should be told and I would retire to bed every night with the same disappointment.

Today was the day her result is to be declared and I want to call her badly and tell her not to panic but I had lost my right of doing that. The exam was preponed and I was stressed for some time but calmed down because I trusted her. I knew she would do it and now, I am waiting for asim's call. He will let me know about her results.

I was gazing at my phone which was in my hand, continuously and waiting for his call when my phone rang.



ASIM: she cleared it. She's going to the national institute of design learning.

SATHYA: Are you serious??!! I am soo damn proud of her! I knew she would do it! I just knew it!!

ASIM: *sigh* don't be too happy sathya. She's leaving for delhi.

I gulped the knot formed in my throat. She was leaving. She was going away more, even physically this time.

SATHYA: when is she leaving?

ASIM: 2 days. aren't you going to congratulate her?

SATHYA: I-I don't think I can.

ASIM: sathya, you're pushing her away and you'll regret it.

SATHYA: trust me, I already did it and I am regretting. anyways, I-I'll talk to you later, a bit busy.

I didn't even let him reply and cut the call only to allow the tears formed in my eyes to flow out.

She was going.

2 days and she would be gone.

The distance hurts nugget, but its inevitable.






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