CHAPTER 36: the hateful encounter

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The tour was such a blast! We all had soo much fun and got to learn soo many things as well! And it was more special to me because of a very special bond I had formed with a certain someone. It was just like movies. Two people, hating each other initially, but then getting close to each other, and maybe falling for each other? Well I don't know about love but there was definately a pull between us. And it was mutual. It could be sensed easily. He craved my presence as much as I craved his. And this is not just friendship. It's something more. Something we both are yet to discover.

Right now we are in the bus, travelling back to bangalore after this very successful trip. Everyone was enjoying in the front, singing, dancing and what not. They called the both of us as well but we enjoyed the calm environment better. And right now, we both were listening to slow romantic songs one end of my earphone in my ear and the other end in his. There couldn't any other better way of enjoyment in my dictionary. It was the ultimate calm.

ISHAAN: what are you thinking about foxy? 101 ways to make me fall for you?

This guy, well yeah I love it when he flirts with me. But he didn't have to know that.

SAMAIRA: well you're halfway there you know. Its 101 ways.. but not to make you fall for me.. its 101 ways to kill you.

ISHAAN: well you don't have to do much you know.. just give me one of your smiles and I'll die because of your charms. See? not soo difficult. *smirk*

SAMAIRA: godd! you're impossible..!

ISHAAN: always remember this foxy.. there's I'M POSSIBLE in IMPOSSIBLE. So you see, i might be a possible chase in your case.

SAMAIRA: stawpp flirting and let me concentrate on the song now!

He just giggled while nodding his head as we both continued listening to the song. Suddenly. I felt him interlocking our fingers and I could feel my heart beat stop for a moment. I was feeling nervous but excited at the same time. My palms felt sweaty but my grip tightened. A strange possessiveness spread through my chest. I would never want to let go of his hand, never. We both sat there, in complete silence with small smiles visible on our faces. We both knew what we were feeling. And we knew It was something that couldn't be undone. My eyelids started feeling heavy and without my knowledge, I was already lost in my dreamland.

I woke due to the chaos in the bus and well, yeah we had finally reached our destination. I felt something hard under my head and something heavy above it. I took some time to absorb the situation but finally i had realized that I fell asleep on ishaan's shoulder and he was sleeping with his head rested on my head. I slowly lifted his head and shifted towards the window to free my head. He looked so calm while he was sleeping, away from all the troubles. Away from all the ghosts of his past and of present. And the fact that he was deprived of this sleep which was very much required made my squeeze in pain. No matter how strong the urge of not waking him up was, I had to wake him up as we had reached. Well, I hope he got enough sleep. With my voice as slow and gentle as possible, I tried to wake him up.

SAMAIRA: Ishaan, we are here.. wake up.

ISHAAN: 5 mins more please.

SAMAIRA: well yeah the bus is leaving right now. You can sleep as much as you want if you're okay with finding your way back to here.

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