CHAPTER 55: The Reunion

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Finally, It has been one year and I am back to home. Yes I loved it in delhi but home is home, nothing could beat that. When I met my friends yesterday, it was like a dream come true. All this while, when I was away, they had meet ups and gatherings, but not even once had they not included me. They always video called me to include me and that's the reason why I love them. They've always been my family. I can rush to them whenever I felt low or had some problem. Well, I had another person for that as well, but uh, everyone knows how It ended up.

Last night, when I was getting ready to attend the party, my hear was beating really fast. Because I knew, he would be there, and I was no where ready to face him. No matter how much I tried to move on, or how much I try to convince myself and others that I've moved on, the truth was that I haven't. I still cry remembering that day. I still yearn for those moments we had together that made me fall for him. I still want to be close to him. And that is what scares me the most. I know that I shouldn't expect anything from him. Not because he isn't ready, but because I want to be independent. I don't want to be ruled by any emotion developed inside of me. I don't want to let any of my emotions to control the way I behave.

I saw him at the party last night. No matter how much I tried to avoid even looking at him, I saw him at the end. He looked sick and pale. He had lost a lot of weight and dark circles were clearly visible under his eyes. His muscles had shrunk visibly and there was wrinkles under his eyes. I noticed that he saw me too, from the corner of my eyes, and as soon as he did, more colour drained out from his already pale face. I can tell how much my presence affects him still but I shouldn't care about it. He thinks I didn't notice him but I did, but I couldn't care less to show that I did. Because all I want to do now is to focus on myself, my career and my future.
Because no sathya could decide my future for me, but only I can.

Right now, I am getting ready to leave for the design firm to which I've been assigned as an intern. Yes, this is how it works in the national institute of design, in the first year we're taught about the basics of design and all other things needed, and for the rest of the course, we're supposed to take the classes online and do the internship simultaneously. They say they believe in early experience because more the experience, more is the strong hold on the job.

The design firm to which I've been assigned is a very new one but it has flourished immensely. It's success rate is so high that It is in competition with the other famous design brands. The name of the design firm is L&S design firm. My brain couldn't help but turn towards the other direction of what the abbreviation could actually mean, but I was fast enough to shrug it off.

LYKA: come on lyka, not everything is related to the both of you.

I quickly tied my hair into a pony tail and grabbed my handbag to leave for the firm. I had made quite a few changes to my appearance. I had started going to gym while I was in delhi and my figure was very much different than it was previously. Well I did that do distract myself but uh, the results are quite pleasing anyways. I booked a cab for myself which arrived in like 5 mins and it took me another 20 minutes to reach the design firm. It was pretty close to my place. Nice I guess.

I thanked the cab driver for the service and got out of the car to head towards the building of the firm. I don't know why, but my my stomach was twisting badly with every step I was taking near the entrance. I don't know why but this was giving me very familiar feels. It reminded of the time when I used to be an assistant for him, which was like the best past of the previous year, no arguments here. I don't know why but I had a gut feeling that I would see him here, something that I really didn't want to happen at this moment. I took deep breaths to calm myself down and slowly entered the building.

I walked towards the reception which was handled by a sweet looking lady of somewhere around mid twenties.

LYKA: good morning miss, I am the new intern from national institute of design. Could you please tell me where am I supposed to go?

HER: ohh good morning miss. Your name is Lyka sinha if I am not wrong?

LYKA: yeah you're right.

HER: welcome to our design firm ma'am, we are glad to have you on board. I hope you enjoy working with us. Our staff will be here in 5 minutes to take you to the ceo and then provide you with the further details. Till then, you could sit on the couch there in the waiting area.

I thanked her and proceeded to walk towards the couch to wait. I liked it here already. The people looked sweet and the environment was cozy as well. I sat down on the couch and looked at the table in front of me only to find the design catalog of the previously undertaken projects of the firm. There was a strange curiosity in me and I wanted to go through the catalog with the hope that I might find the ceo's face in it. I bent forward to pick up the catalog and opened it to go through. The line on the first page said "A place which stands for 'dream come true' even after setbacks." I don't know why but after reading that line, I was instantly reminded of our old days. It reminded me of how I was unsure about my dream goals and future but looking at where I was now, I was proud that I could make it.

I flipped the pages further to go through the designs of the clothes that were designed by the firm and I was awestruck by looking at them. The colours that were chosen had an awesome compatibility and the colors that were poles apart were used in such a way that the contrast looked extremely eye catching. With every page that I flipped I was getting more and more impressed. No wonder this design firm was doing better than many other old ones in such a short period of time. It's designs were way more better than many other big brands. But the designs I saw gave me a feel of familiarity. I felt as if I've seen I've seen similar designs somewhere. And you all know very well what that somewhere meant.

LYKA: focus lyka. Stop acting like a lovesick girl.

I flipped a few more pages of the catalog and finally reached the end of it. By the time I had finished looking at the catalog, I was flabbergasted. Whoever was behind this design, they were genius. But it was strange that the ceo didn't have his face anywhere shown in it. I felt something twisting in my gut. I needed to calm down. I was busy in distracting myself when I heard a person calling me.

PERSON: good morning ma'am. I am here to take you to the ceo's cabin. You'll have to report to him about your joining and he'll assign you to an incharge under whom you'll have to work. If you're ready, then shall we leave?

LYKA: yeah sure.

Ok, this was it. I am all ready for my new venture now.

We walked towards the elevator and she pressed the button displaying 11th floor. Oh, so it was on the 11th floor. We waited for a few minutes and the elevator opened at the 11th floor with a ding. We exited the elevator and I was simply following her while she lead the way.

We stood in front of a huge door which had a gold name plate with 'THE CEO' written on it. It didn't have any name. Strange. I don't know why my uneasiness had increased as we were nearing the door and finally it opened to reveal a person sitting on a huge chair behind the table. His back was facing was and I don't know why, he looked very very familiar.

Please don't be him, please don't be him, please don't be him!!!

PERSON: sir, I am here with the new intern from the indian institute of design.

CEO: sure, you can leave us alone. I'll take the lead from here.

PERSON: sure sir, have a good day.

She turned around to look at me and gave me a warm small. As soon as she left, my stomach started twisting badly and now I was sure I was sick.

The chair turned around slowly and the person sitting there made my heart sink to my stomach. No wonder the name and the design felt very similar. Fuck my life! Now was thoroughly able to understand why I was feeling sick since morning.

SATHYA: how are you, nugget?







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