CHAPTER 25: safe place.

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Right now I am sitting the cafe where sathvik works part time. I've been a daily visitor here from the past week. The environment was quite and calm and soothing. And the owner lady is also fond of me. Whenever she's free we sit down and have a chat while sathvik continues with the work. I was also allowed to have pastries and I had the bonus of watching him for almost the whole day. I don't know why but I love being with him. Even if not exactly spending time with him i would be happy even if i am in the same room as him. He calms down my nerves. There's a different soothing sense in the environment in which he's present.

Also i've been thinking about him more than required. Ever since i've noticed his diet i've been preparing lunch for him everyday. I wake up at 6:30 to make lunch for both of us and pack it into boxes. My mom saw me once and couldn't come out of the shock for 2 hours straight. I agree i've never cooked for myself or for anyone else because i was clumsy as well as lazy, but it didn't need that much of a reaction right? Anyways, so yeah, As much as i am hating to admit it,


Can't help. this guy is everything a girl needs. But what i like in him is the respect he holds for girls and the sense of responsibility in him. The amount of love he holds for his siblings is animating. The smile on his face when he speaks about geeta's achievements or the proud shine in his eyes when he speaks about daksh growing up as a complete gentleman and an extraordinary basketball player. I wonder if he speaks about me to his siblings in the same manner. I was busy thinking about this and hadn't noticed that he was done with his work and was standing in front of me now.

SATHVIK: I know i am handsome peanut. You don't have to stare at me like that.

ADITI: yeah you're handsome.

SATHVIK: w-what? h-how a-are you s-so b-bold all of a sudden?

ADITI: Chill out. I was just kidding.

SATHVIK: what do you mean kidding? i am handsome!

ADITI: stop whining like a kid! let's leave.

SATHVIK: still! i am handsome.

i paid no attention to his little whines and came out of the cafe followed by him only to find out it was pouring like shit.

SATHVIK: fuck! this can't be real!

ADITI: bangalore's weather. unpredictable.

SATHVIK: how are you going home?

ADITI: i'll book a cab. don't worry. you carry on.

SATHVIK: no. I'll stay until you find a cab.

i sighed and nodded. Out of all the amazing things that he was. Stubborn was the one which i didn't like. Well he's very stubborn and strict when it comes to my safety. I remember him almost getting physical with a guy who tried to flirt with me. Well his possessive as well as protective sides acted like the push i needed to like him.

ADITI: there are no cabs. It might be late till i find one. You should leave your siblings must be waiting for you.

SATHVIK: are you kidding me? there's no way i am leaving you alone in this situation.

ADITI: then does your genius brain have some idea?

SATHVIK: umm i have my bike here. And my house is not too far away. It's just 8 mins away from here. We won't get too wet. If you're comfortable you can come to my house and wait there for the rain to stop or you try booking a cab from there too.

He looked nervous. He looks cute when he's nervous. And the only guy i could trust and be comfortable enough to go to his house is him.

ADITI: sure. I would like that i suppose.

he just gave me a wide smile and told me to wait as he gets his bike. He handed me the helmet and i hopped on behind him.

SATHVIK: hold on tight peanut. The ride is going to be fast.

True to his words, it was in super rush. Didn't he tell his house was 8 minutes? We were here in 4 mins. GREAT.

He opened the door but i stood glued to the floor outside. He looked behind at me with a questioning gaze.

SATHVIK: what's wrong peanut?

ADITI: i ugh- i'm nervous. What if you're siblings aren't comfortable with me.

SATHVIK: *chuckle* trust me peanut, liking towards the same type of people is one of very few things that we siblings have similar among us.

ADITI: *teasing tone* does that mean you like me?

SATHVIK: well, i never opposed..!

ADITI: huh?

SATHVIK: get in peanut. you'll catch a cold.

I just nodded and followed him inside while he closed the door behind us. Soon i heard footsteps descending on the stairs.

GEETA: bhaii! you're home!

DAKSH: bhaiiyaaa!! i missed you!!

SATHVIK: hii my ugly monsters. I am glad to see the house is intact.

GEETA: bhai you always do this! we are good kids!! we don't do anything mischievous.

SATHVIK: yeah yeah sure. Meet her, she's pea- aditi, yeah aditi. she's a friend of me.

I might be looking crazy right now, but i didn't like him calling me by my name. Suddenly i was craving for that stupid nickname he had given me. peanut.!

GEETA: eeeeehhh!! so you're the one about whom bhai can't stop talking?

ADITI: h-hi. I am aditi!

GEETA: hiiii!! i am geeta. bhai speaks about you a lot!

ADITI: i know you. You're speaks a lot about both of you.

i turned towards the little boy who is daksh i suppose. He was feeling shy.

ADITI: hii! you're daksh i suppose?

He just nodded a little and waved his hand with a small smile.

DAKSH: hii.

SATHVIK: okay guys now let us come in. And geeta, give aditi a few clothes of yours. She's all wet due to the rain.

GEETA: sure bhaii!! come di lets goooo!! wait! I can call you di right??

ADITI: *huge smile* of course you can!

With that she dragged me towards her room and closed the door of it. She opened the door of her wardrobe and pushed me in front of it.

GEETA: go on dii!! select whatever you want..! I know you must be shocked seeing these many clothes but please don't think i am spoilt kid. All of these were bought by bhai.

ADITI: that's okay! i know you're not spoilt. And can i have that kurta and pallazzo? those are the ones which will fit me.

GEETA: sure sure! take them. You don't have to ask for my permission.

i just nodded with a smile and went in the bathroom to change while she kept talking from the other side of the bathroom.

GEETA: di..! i don't know what he told you about us but we're not troublemakers. We are soooo sweet kids. I don't know about daksh but i am good girl!

ADITI: trust me. All your brother does is praise the both of you in front of me. He loves you both a lot..! trust me!

GEETA: i know di. I know the amount of love he has for us. I don't think he might've told this to you but you know why he's working at that cafe?

i shook my heading indicating no.

GEETA: because it was close to our house. My brother is soo dumb and blind in our love that he rejected a full fledged scholarship including accomodation and food charges for the prestigious uni of sport in delhi just because he couldn't take us with him there.

ADITI: well, that's his love for you. He's the best brother anyone could ask for.

GEETA: i know di! the last time i saw my parents was when i was 3 years old. bhai was 7 at that time. and daksh was just a new born. But bhai never let us feel the absence of parents. He's always been there. To all our annual day functions, parent teacher meets, sports day, everything. But you know, sometimes i need a female to discuss my things with. A mother figure. You know once i told him that a guy from my class confessed to me but i rejected him and told we could be friends, he just nodded and shook it off as if it was the most normal thing. But that guy avoided me for the whole time the very next day and when i inquired i found out that this very fabulous brother of mine had threatened him to stay away from me and not to distract me from my studies.

ADITI: *chuckle* well protective ass. But geeta, i want you to save my no. and share all your problems related to boys and other stuff with me. You need a mother figure and i am here for that.

GEETA: really? !!!! thank youu soooooo muchh!!! you know i've liked you as a person from the very first day bhai told us about you. You were so awesome when you fought with him..!!

ADITI: he told you about that?!!

GEETA: yess!! he tells me everything. because i won't go and threaten people around like he does.

we both bursted out laughing at this comment.

GEETA: di.. i think you should date bhai. I've never seen him bringing any of his friends to our house let alone girls. When we asked him he told us he wanted us to be safe.

Blushed rushed to my cheeks when i heard her say this. So.. i am the first girl here.

ADITI: it's been really long since we've come to your room. we should go down!

GEETA: suree! but don't forget about what i told.

i ignored that statement and went down followed by her and saw that daksh and sathvik had set up ludo board.

SATHVIK: uggghh... i tried booking a cab but i don't think you'll find any until the rain slows down. You should inform your parents about this. Also if you want you can join us in ludo.

he was nervous again. cute again.

ADITI: sure. I'll text them. And yes.. i would love to join ya'll in ludo!

With that i sat with them. geeta and sathvik on my either sides while daksh on my opposite side. All the time we were laughing and cracking up. Teaming up together to roast sathvik. He made an annoyed expression but we all knew he was genuinely happy. Daksh was a bit shy at the beginning but got comfortable eventually and now i have a brother of my own in his form.

DAKSH: bhaiyaaa i am hungry.

SATHVIK: shit i forgot to bring the snacks from the bakery..

ADITI: why fear when aditi is here? take me to the kitchen and i'll make something for you all.

GEETA: dii!! i'll take you.

she took me to the kitchen and looked for what all items they had in fridge. Bread, potatoes, carrot, capsicum, peas. Perfect for a yummy sandwich. I put the potatoes in the cooker to boil them and started chopping carrot and capsicum. The cooker left a whistle indicating the potatoes were boiled. I took them out and mashed them followed by mixing them with all the spices required with a silly smile playing on my face.

SATHVIK: yooo girl who got you smiling like that?

he asked as he came and stood beside me.

ADITI: they liked me.

SATHVIK: i told you we have a similar taste when it comes to people.

ADITI: by the way, your sister told me that you don't bring anyone home because you want to keep them safe. why me them?

SATHVIK: you're my safe place peanut, and you're the only one i want them to get close to.

i melted. Okay.. i'll have to admit. I couldn't help. I've fallen for this man. Can't step back now.

ADITI: don't use my name to address me in the future.. i don't like it.

SATHVIK: then?? do you like me calling you peanut better. *teasing tone*

ADITI: yes, sathvik. I like it when you call me peanut.

He was all speechless and looked shocked for a moment. But slowly a smirk erupted on his face.

SATHVIK: can i taste that peanut?

he asked pointing towards the potato mixture.

ADITI: sure..!

i was going to hand him a spoon but what he did next left me completely speechless.
he took my hand which i was using to mix the potatoes with the spices and slowly brought it near his mouth and tasted the mixture on one of my fingers.

SATHVIK: yummy indeed.

he said and gave an innocent smile as if what he did was completely normal. He slowly walked backwards to the living room while i stood there shocked.

This man. He's going to be the death of me one day. But i couldn't help but smile a little. I WAS HIS SAFE PLACE, BUT HE WAS NOTHING LESS THAN A SAFE PLACE TO ME AS WELL.







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